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HE THREW HIS bike on Dustin's lawn, walking up the driveway quickly.

He noticed the absence of Dustin's mom's car, so he allowed himself to push the front door open. Immediately Dustin's cat, Mews, came purring and threw himself at Mike's leg. Mike leaned down to pet him.

"Guys?" He called out, and after a minute Dustin's voice responded.
"In my room!"

Mike petted the cat one last time and made his way through the halls into Dustin's room. In the room the whole group was seated: Dustin, Lucas and Max kind of squished together on the small bed, and Jane crossed legged on the ground. They waved at him, and he joined Jane on the ground.

She smiled at him, but he didn't smile back- still annoyed.

"Wow, what's wrong our dearest Hugsey?" Max asked teasingly, throwing a pillow at him. Mike threw it right back.
"Don't call me that," he muttered.

"Chill," Jane whispered, sending him that look. She was right.

Jane and Mike had an agreement- every time Mike went overboard with his moods (which he did a lot) she would send him a sign to stop. Jane was Mike's best friend in the world, a beautiful girl with brown hair and huge brown eyes. They had been friends since they were like, zero.

"Sorry. It's just, my mom found out I graffitied the bathroom stalls." Mike explained, sighing.
"So?" Lucas asked.

"Do you not know my mom? She's making me work at HUG for the next three weeks to learn responsibility or some shit." Mike explained, and Dustin laughed.
"Oh no I can't believe your evil mom is making you work at a charity," he said, raising his eyebrow skeptically.

The rest of the group laughed, and Mike sighed again. He didn't even bother explaining why it bothered him so much.

"What are you going to be doing?" Jane asked.
"Yeah, will you just be like handing out food?" Max added, but Mike shook his head.

"I hope so. But I don't think so, she looked too pissed for something that simple. But can we talk about something else?" he said, and the girls shrugged.
"Like?" Max asked.

"Like, you and Lucas being together again!" Mike exclaimed, and Lucas flashed him such a dirty look he was almost ashamed of himself.

"Ooo yeah, let's talk about that!" Jane laughed, and Dustin shoved Lucas' shoulder playfully. Mike let himself sit back and just let the relaxed, familiar vibe of his best friend group calm him down.

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The next morning, 6:52 am on the dot Mike and his mom were in the car, speeding away to the edge of Hawkins. Mike was yawning, his black hair tangled and his eyes closing every couple of minutes. He suspected his mom had made him wake up that early not because of a dire need for helping hands at the charity, but just as as an extra little punishment.

His mom was dressed in the purple polo shirt that was the charity's uniform, the same one she had given Mike to wear. Her hair was up in a spectacular hairdo, and she had a full face of makeup on. She was cheery and smiling, humming to the music from the radio, some song from her childhood that Mike didn't know.

𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now