Chapter 1; Fight in the woods

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Any wild guesses as to who the young boy is? 🙃


Deep in the woods, on an open spot, there lay four circles, arranged into a bigger circle. In the middle of the bigger circle stood a platform, build up by wood and ropes.

On the small platform stood a young person. And not any person. He was dressed in a silk, red robe, hanging from his shoulders and being tied at his waist with a golden belt, making it appear like a dress. It was dirtied, covered in dirt and mud and ripped at the bottom - totally destroyed. A satin mask covered half his face, hiding his sculpted features from the world.

His messy hair hung over his forehead, slightly parted at the side. A beautiful golden clipping of a nightingale held a few loose strands in place, some chains hanging from it and making a sound everytime he moved his head.

He looked around the forest, his eyebrows furrowed in worry as he listened to the sound of metal against metal. The sound echoed around the trees, and he didn't know where it came from, just knew that whoever got to him first, had won.

The silk from his dress crept up his arms, getting pulled down due to gravity and exposed his wrists. His hands were tied together tightly with big metal rings above him, cutting into the skin whenever he moved his arms.

He could hear the fallen branches snapping in the distance, the leaves of the bushes moving as something rushed past them. He knew they were coming for him. Knew one of them would take him away after slaughtering its opponents.

Suddenly a soldier came into view. He ran past the treeline onto the open spot, a sword clasped tightly in his fist as he stopped in front of the platform, swinging it to his side and looking up at the boy dressed in silk.

Said male looked down, a look not quite describable in his eyes. He could see the soldiers face, only a hood covering it.

He had dark eyes, shaped perfectly and framed by double eyelids. His nose was straight and small but the perfect size for his face and his lips were thin but full, a soft pink color. A few strands of his dark brown hair fell over his arched brows, but most of it was tucked back under the hood.

The second the soldier let his sword down and stepped forward towards the platform, another man ran towards him, jumping up and slashing his small scythes down.

The brown haired man quickly put his sword up in defence, the metal making a loud sound as the weapons hit each other. They fought for a few moments, both of them grunting with the force and effort they put into their movements. The new man had blonde hair, slightly taller than the first one but slower in his movements.

The man dressed in silk watched as the men before him fought, seeing another person enter the scene. He was shorter compared to the other two, but quicker and more skilled, probably older too. In his hands lay a long, thin wooden stick, a sharp blade attached on the end.

The three of them fought against each other, and it wasn't before long that the shorter man slashed the stomach of the blonde. Said man toppled over, but regained his posture rather quickly, probably having trained so much as to not feel the pain and to continue fighting till the bitter end.

While the blonde was dazzled for a bit the shorter man charged for the brunette, hoping to do some damage to him as well. All attempts were in vain, however, when the brown haired man quickly dodged his long sword and turned around, thrusting his weapon in the other's chest.

The chained boy gasped as the soldier fell to the ground, his body unmoving. He closed his eyes and exhaled, focusing on the sound of horseshoes stamping on the solid forest ground rather than the sounds of a blade being ripped out of a chest.

He heard the horse getting closer quickly, the sound of silver armor reaching his ears. When he opened his eyes again he saw a man approaching, one hand in the reigns to steer his horse and the other held to his side, a long thick sword dangling from the saddle.

It seemed to go in slowmotion as he watched the horse gallop closer, prancing once it reached the treeline and the soldier slid off its back. He pulled his long, thick sword from the hilt and slashed it down, taking a dominant stance.

The other two soldiers stopped fighting as soon as they noticed his arrival, watching as the man walked closer to them. He had a dark aura they just couldn't ignore, some sort of overwhelming power radiating from him.

The man was dressed in dark, black armor, a helmet on his head. The restraint boy noticed his eyes first when the man took off the metal helmet. They were dark and set on the men in front of him. His nose was high and long, sitting perfectly in the center of his face. His lips were plump, slightly chapped from fighting and a cut on the side of his bottom lip. His cupids bow was so symmetrical it could be a copy, the corners of his lips tugging slightly upwards in a soft smirk.

Suddenly he charged forwards, effortlessly shoving the brunette to the ground and swinging his sword up, only to drag it down again to the blonde. The soldier pushed back just as powerfull, blocking his blows with his sword and dodging the rest.

The brown haired soldier jumped up, charging forwards and starting to direct his blows to the tall man as well, now working together with the blonde in contrast to their previous drive to finish each other off.

The bigger man swung his thick sword to both of them, successfully cutting them in their arms. He watched as his opponents reached for their limbs, taking his chance and trusting his sword forwards, right into the chest of the brunette. The man who arrived first to the open space sunk to his knees, blood dripping down the side of his mouth as he fell forwards, laying still on the ground.

The man dressed in silk couldn't do anything but watch the scene in front of him unfold, and the tall man smirked, knowing he had the upper hand now. He heard a sword being swung through the air, and quickly leaped to the side, turning around and swinging his sword sideways. The metal sliced through the blonde's stomach, successfully knocking the air out of his lungs as it went deep into his skin and made him fall to the ground as well.

The big man stood tall and smirked, knowing he had won.

The boy couldn't believe his eyes. The myths he had heard endless of stories about and the books of had read about this man.. they were all true. The male slid his sword back into its hilt before reaching up and brushing his hand through his hair, shaking his head a bit to get the loose strands out of his eyes. The colours varied from all shades of brown and the strands looked beautiful in the sunlight and it fit him, made him look strong and elegant just like his movements.

The boy dressed in silk sighed loudly, pulling against his restraints as he looked down at the fighter.

"My hero."

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