Chapter 58; Anger and sadness

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With big, large strides they walked over to the other side of the castle grounds. They needed to see the wizard as soon as possible. After Yoongi had told him he saw the boy go there, Taehyun immediately jumped up. The wizard was probably the last person who had seen him, and he wanted- needed to know what had happened or what was said. Anything that could help them.

When they reached the cottage at the big tree Yoongi knocked on the door, softly opening it afterwards. "Hello?" He said softly. When the wizard came into view he opened the door further. The male didn't look up from his work, just motioned for them to come in with his free hand.

"Yoongi, I'll be with you in a second I just need to.. finish.. this.."  The wizard said, trailing off at the end of his sentence. From his spot behind the black haired warrior Taehyun could see the table in the room being filled with stacks of books, some opened, some closed, some new and some looking like they havent been touched for centuries. His desk wasn't doing much better, potions and ripped papers all over it. The wizard himself was holding a tube with some pink liquid in his hand, with the other he picked one up that was filled with something purple. He carefully put the two together, and for a second or two, nothing happened. Yoongi looked back at the brunette and shrugged. But once he stepped forward to continue, the potion exploded.

Taehyun yelped and ducked down behind the older's back, shielding his eyes as smoke filled the room quickly. The wizard was coughing loudly and Yoongi started waving his hand in front of him, trying to get rid of the smoke a little. Taehyun blindly reached behind him and opened the door to let it all out.

"What did you put into that shit?!" The warrior asked, as he stepped forward and more into the cottage. The wizard coughed but still smiled wickidly.  "Just some flutterbies and saliva of frogs. Mixed them with some of the sparkly dust I got from my last visit to the other kingdom. And it worked!"

"I'm sure I don't know what I'm talking about, but doesn't blowing up usually mean that it doesn't?"  The brunette said, waving the last bit of smoke out of his face before closing the door behind him. The eldest of the three only then noticed his prescence, his eyes widening and he quickly put the tubes down and rushed forward. Taehyun was taken aback by the sudden hug, but returned it nonetheless.

"You're back!"  The wizard said and pushed him back, looking over his face. The younger smiled. "I told you I would."  he said. But then his smile fell, and his face got serious.  "We actually need to talk to you about something."

The wizard nodded and stepped back, running a hand through his ashes-covered hair, making it stick out in all directions on his head. "What is it?"  He asked. Yoongi sighed.  "He's gone.."  He said, making the older frown.  "Gone? Who?"

"Beomgyu."  Taehyun replied in a soft voice, eyes turning sad and he looked down at his shoes for a moment.  "I went to his room to see him, but he wasn't there. I couldn't find him anywhere over the entirety of the castle grounds."  He explained quickly, feeling his heart clench at his own words.

"I just saw him though-"  The wizard said then, making their eyes shoot up to him.  "What? When? Where??" Taehyun blurted out, eyes hopeful because maybe, maybe they hadn't lost him again. The wizard inhaled. "Yeah, he came to me a couple days ago, asking if I could make him another basket because he wanted to see you." He said. "I told him I couldn't make the four trees grow faster, but I'd let him know as soon as I knew something. He left after that, and now you mentioned it- I haven't seen him since then either."

He wanted to see him? The thought made Taehyun's heart flutter, but right now the upset and angry feelings had the upper hand.

"Do you know where he is now?" Yoongi asked him, but the wizard shook his head. "He didn't tell me where he was going, and I didn't ask. I just assumed he was going back to his room but if he wasn't there today, I guess he didn't."  The male answered, eyes now casted downwards sadly.  "I wish I could help you guys, sorry."

Taehyun sighed. They didn't get any more information than they previously had, except for the fact that the blonde had been here before he left. But there was only so much they could do with that, and it wasn't even much. He shook his head and looked up at the man.  "It's okay, don't worry. I'm not going to give up looking for him. I didn't do so before, and I won't do so now." He said and turned on his heels to walk out. Yoongi nodded and smiled lightly at the wizard before turning to follow the younger. But before they could walk out of the door, the wizard called them back.

"Wait! I might have something that can be of use!"  He said, sounding excited and he ran around the room. Taehyun stopped and turned back around, watching as the man ran around his home in a frenzy, collecting books, a pot which he quickly filled with water, a couple potions and some matches. He placed the pot on the fireplace and used the matches to get the fire going. Then he started throwing random things into the pot.

The brunette frowned. "What are you doing?" He asked. The wizard smiled at him as he poured a babyblue potion into the pot, creating green bubbles in the water. "I might have a spell to see where he is. It might not work, but we can always try!"

They waited until the wizard was done, being silent as the man started to speak in a different language which they both didn't understand, but they let him do his thing. They knew he was skilled, and they didn't doubt his abilities to make this work. After a particularly long sentence, white smoke started to well up from the pot, curling up and creating a small cloud above it. As the wizard finished what Taehyun assumed were the last few sentences, the smoke started to change in color, letting them see the room the boy was held in.

There he was, sitting against the chair, with his wrist tied tightly behind the back of it. He was shaking, tears running down his cheeks, his hair dirty and a complete mess. His arms and legs were red, both from scratch marks and barely healed cuts. Dried blood stuck to almost every part of his skin, and he looked.. broken. This wasn't the cheerful blonde Taehyun knew.

As soon as his brain processed the image in front of him, Taehyun felt furious, angry tears dripping from his eyes. "How dare they!" He growled and ran his fingers through his hair.  "How could they do this to him- what do they even want from him?!"

The warrior besides him clenched his jaw so hard you could hear his teeth scrape over each other. His eyes were set, cold, unmoving, and full of rage. He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. They all know his thoughts on the matter. Taehyun exhaled heavily, his heart being ripped to shreds slowly and painfully at the sight of his boy hurting like that.

"Thank you for showing us, but, we have to go." He said quickly, grabbing the warriors arm and storming out of the cottage.

"Goodluck!" He could hear the wizard yell after them. He didn't need luck. Because he knew for a fact he was going to rip each and every soldier's heart out.

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