Chapter 62; Unfortunate

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The thundering sound of horse shoes hitting the ground filled the air around them as they ran over the wide outstretched field. They rode with determination, stopping for nothing in their way. Yoongi rode up front, his black stallion the fastest of them all with Taehyun hot on his heels. Though he had a mare, she was just as tall as the other horses, and had no trouble keeping up with the stallions.

They pushed the horses to go faster, run like the wind and to not hold back. The horses were well trained, knowing better than to let something as small as a bird suddenly flying low or the squeaking from squirrels in the trees distract them.

The clinking from their armour pieces sounded when the air was quiet. They didn't talk. Didn't waver from their path. Didn't turn to look at something what caught their eye. Didn't do anything else except keeping their horses going at full speed, running towards where they thought the emperor was.

When they passed a particularly big tree, Yoongi raised his arm with a balled fist, silently telling the others to slow down. They slowed to a light canter, looking around and keeping their eyes open. Though no one really went through this area, they still wanted to be cautious, just in case.

After Yoongi had raised his fist again, they slowed to a walk, and Taehyun sighed before spurring his mare on to trot up next to the man.  "Why are we slowing down? It's an open field we have to run!"  He complained as he walked next to him. The warrior nodded and leaned in to pat his stallion.  "I know. But these grounds aren't from anybody, they could be dangerous."  He replied. The brunette huffed in annoyance, but he knew he couldn't ignore the man's words and ride up ahead.

He let the reigns go a bit, giving the mare a little freedom to stretch. She did so gladly, stopping for a moment to shake before continuing. All the brunette could think about was getting to him as quickly as he poosibly could. He didn't want to walk, he wanted to run. To let the mare run and get to whereever they were keeping the boy locked up.He knew he had to obey Yoongi's orders though, as they were on a mission. If they weren't, and this was just a fun little tip, he would've ignored the man and spurred his mare on to run.

"We're going to cross the field towards the start of that treeline, and we'll set up camp there!" Yoongi yelled out over the group, pointing towards where the forest started. The group of men gave him agreeing noises, and they continued on their way.

Taehyun looked out over the field towards the horizon. He could see the clouds that were drifting over there, grey coloured and shapeless. The mountains in the distance looked small, but he knew they weren't. Flowers adorned some of the grass as well as bushes. The view would be gorgeous to him if he wasn't in this situation. The thought didn't even occur to him now.

"Alright everyone, find a sturdy tree branch not too high up to bind your horse to and rid them of their saddles!" The voice of the head warrior sounded then, tugging him out of his daydream. Were they already at the treeline? He sighed and did as Yoongi requested of them, swinging his leg over the saddle and jumping to the ground. Suddenly he felt small, after having seen the world from a higher place for a while. He lifted his arm, patting the mare softly before struggling to take her saddle off. He never really had such a talent with horseriding, so he didn't know what he was supposed to do. But after a quick peek at the others he managed to let the saddly glide off her back.

After he placed the saddle somewhere safe, he digged his hand in the saddle bag tied to it. Before they had left the back room of the warrior's chambers, he had snatched an apple from the table. He felt bad for the girl, who was probably stressing over her lost fruit, but he knew the apple would be better off with him. He walked back up to the mare, holding it in front of her. "You did well." He told her, patting her nose and smiling as she took the apple from him, eating it greedily.

"For someone with no experience with horses you seem to know what you're doing." He heard from behind him. He turned to see the black haired man walking up to him. He exhaled and shrugged. "I'm just thanking her for carrying me all the way."  He replied, not really knowing what to say to that.

Yoongi nodded, lifting a hand to scratch the mares neck.  "She never compains and always does what you ask her to, so we assigned her to you."

The brunette looked at the man with a boring gaze, feeling slightly offended. The warrior just chuckled at his expression. "Relax dude, can't have you falling off now can we." He said, making Taehyun scoff. "Uhm rude." He deadpanned and turned to walk away. He could hear the older chuckle before he was walking after him, joining him as he sat down and leant against a tree.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood a little," He said and glanced at the boy. "You look like a bomb ready to explode and while I understand that, I am too, we need you to be focused and not have pent up frustration like that. We can't risk it."

Taehyun siged and nodded. "I get that Hyung. I'm just so angry! As soon as I leave, everything's a mess again. He doesn't deserve that. I should've taken him home with me, if I did nothing would've happened." He replied, leaning his elbows on his bent knees and running his hands through his hair, gripping it slightly. Yoongi raised an arm and patted his shoulder.  "Stop blaming it on yourself, I told you it isn't. You're my top warrior, I need you to be focussed."

The brunette sighed and let go of his hair, looking at the man and nodded.  "I'll try to be of use, Hyung. I won't let this mission fail, even if it kills me." He said, and Yoongi smiled.  "Good, that's what I like to hear. Now get some rest, you can't fall asleep in the saddle tomorrow."  He said and stood up, walking away towards the rest of the group, leaving the younger to think.

Taehyun exhaled heavily. He knew he had to focus and couldn't let his emotions get ahead of him. He was just.. dissapointed. Not in anyone in particular, he was just dissapointed at the situation. He came here to see the boy again, but instead, he got this. Not exactly what you called a happy visit.

After sitting under the tree for a moment longer, he stood up and went looking for something to sleep on. He preferred his bed, of course, but that wasn't really a choice now. But he'd endure it all if he had to.. for him. Eventually he settled down, a little bit away from the group but still close enough so the horses wouldn't accidentally step on him in his sleep.

He laid down and nibbled on his bottom lip anxiously. Anxious about what was to come. Anxious about what they'd find there if they arrived. Needless to say he didn't get much sleep that night, and he certainly didn't miss having a rock as a pillow.

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