Yoongi, being a mood once again.
We move the second he says 'I do'." Rowoon's voice sounded as he looked at a map spread out over the table. It was a map of all the land of all the kingdoms from the area, and the king pointed at the borders of two kingdoms. "The first army will go for the capital immediately after the wedding. The second army goes towards the ocean to attack their castle from there."
A soldier stepped forward then. His hair hung over his forehead messily, the strands falling into his blue eyes and he blinked constantly to get rid of the itchy feeling, not even thinking about just sweeping his hair to the side or cutting it. He had a straight button nose and symmetrical lips tinted in a dark pink color from biting them unconsciously. "And what about the third army?" He asked.
The king turned around to face him and frowned. "We have a third army?"
The soldier nodded. "Yes."
Rowoon looked away, blinking as he thought of something the third army could do. He didn't know they had another army so he hadn't taken it into account. After a few seconds he sighed and shrugged. "Just let them rob the village or something." He said and waved the soldier away.
"Excuse me you Highness-" Another man said, causing the king to turn around. "For the wedding gown. Red or blue?" He asked. The king reached out and touched both of the satin cloths the man held. They felt soft against his fingers and the material was smooth and cool. He clicked his tongue while cocking his head to the side and looked up, bringing his hands to his mouth.
"Red or blue, my love?" He yelled. Beomgyu stepped towards the open window in the room he was still locked up in, looking down at the commotion with a blank face. He didn't respond. He refused to respond. He wasn't going to choose a color for the mocking gown he would be forced to wear on the so-called best day of his life. Instead, he grabbed the bowl of soup a soldier had brought him earlier and threw it out. It soared through the sky, the contents falling out and splashing all over the king's face, the bowl shattering on the ground next to his feet.
Chanhee, who was always at the man's side, bursted out laughing, lips spreading out over his face and pushing his cheeks up, eyes turning to crescents. He clapped his hands together and looked up to see the prince standing at the window with an unreadable expression. But when he looked down again towards Rowoon he was met with an angry glare, causing him to shut up immediately. "Oops." He said softly and casted his gaze downwards.
"And this.." Yoongi sighed. "Is called not good."
Taehyun shook his head in disbelieve while the corners of his lips turned upwards in a bright smile. "Why not? It's beautiful."
They had arrived at a large lake, the next mountain range spreading out over the horizon while trees complimented the picture, a low hanging fog in the distance. The sky was a bright blue colour and Taehyun couldn't help but smile at it as he took the view in. He would to take a picture if he hadn't left his phone back at home.
"Yes it is." The warrior agreed. "But the fortress of the king is on the other side. It can take us days to walk around the lake."
Taehyun shrugged and stepped down the little hill they were standing on towards the waterside. "Or we could just swim across? We'll be there in less than an hour."
The warrior sighed before following him. "No Taehyun, that's not possible."
"Why? Are there maneating fish in there?" He asked, crouching down to feel the water with his hands.
"Poisonous snakes?"

A Warrior's Heart
Fanfiction"Help? For what?" He asked. The man looked at him with a serious gaze. "I need you to protect the most precious possession of the kingdom" Started on: 5-01-2020 Finished on: 27-04-2021 ♡ Multifandom, featuring: BTS: • Namjoon, Yoongi, Seokjin ...