Warning! This chapter contains blood and the breaking of skin with a blade. Read safely ❤️
Beomgyu sighed, getting bored of sitting in the room all day with nothing to do and nothing to look at. The man had disappeared a little while ago, but he was sure he would be back soon. He could hear soldiers yelling all the way from the room, and he was getting a bit antsy. He wanted to go outside again, wanted to be free again.
Then the sound of heavy boots hitting the wooden planks filled the air, and not too long after the door opened again. The man entered, this time followed by another guy. Beomgyu noticed the second man was holding some sort of long box, sealed with a simple click thingy.
"Are you willing to talk now?" The older man asked him, some sort of smirk playing on his lips. The small emperor's tongue darted out to wet his cut lips, feeling some dried blood on the corner of his mouth. "Never." He spat, glaring up at the other. The man nodded. "Well then, let's have some fun, mh?" He said and mentioned for the second one to come forward.
The black haired soldier did so, putting the box down and clicking it open. He pushed the top lid up and Beomgyu could finally see what was inside of the box. When the man's hand retracted from the insides, a shining blade got visible for him to see. His eyes widened and he swallowed the lump forming in his throat. It wasn't that he was scared of anything with a blade, just the thought of what they'd do with them frightened him, regarding what they were capable of.
"This knife has been through so much," The new man said, facing him and turning the blade in his hands. "It has survived a couple battles, and I think it still has the blood on it from a few of your people, who knows?" He chuckled and Beomgyu felt anger bubbling inside of him.
"But for now, it'll serve as a way to get you talking." He finished, crouching down next to the chair and lifting his hand up. He put the blade of the knife to the young emperor's thighs, not pushing or anything, just keeping it there. "So? You gonna talk?"
Beomgyu glared at the man, not wanting to get hurt but willing to go through that if it meant he kept his people save. "I'm never going to talk to any of you monsters." He spat out, some spit landing in the man's face. He lifted his free hand up and wiped his cheek with a scowl. "So be it then." He said and began pushing the blade into his skin.
It didn't hurt that much in the beginning, just a bit of a sting. But once the sharp blade broke his skin, Beomgyu shrieked. The man didn't stop even when blood began sliding down his thigh. Tears rolled down the blonde's face and he bit his lip to stop himself from yelling. He kicked his leg in the hopes to get the man to stop, and luckily for him it worked. The man pulled the knife away, but not before slicing it through the cut.
"That's one." The older man who had been silently watching spoke up. He was leaning against the wall opposite of the chair and his arms were crossed, an amused expression on his face. "And many will follow if you don't start talking. So?"
Beomgyu looked down at his thigh, feeling disgusted by the sight of it. He closed his eyes, inhaling sharply before looking up and exhaling. "Try all you want. I'm not telling you guys anything."
The man sighed and nodded to the black haired soldier, who put the blade to his skin again. They repeated the same course of action multiple times, the same question being asked after every time. He wasn't going to talk. He wasn't going to ruin the peace and safety of his people. He wasn't going to tell them anything of the enscripted writing.
As an emperor, that was his duty.
"We can do this for a long time," The older man sighed while Beomgyu cried out as the blade was being pressed into his arm. He didn't want this anymore. He hated the pain and he hated the fact that there will surely be scars in the future. He didn't want to remember this moment if it all was over. If it would ever be over. "The choice is up to you." The man said.
"I-I'm not telling." The blonde stuttered, winching as the black haired male pulled the blade away. Tears were rolling down his cheeks in a steady pace now, and his bottom lip was bitten raw by now. His lashes stuck together and his hair fell down his face messily, some strands falling into his eyes and he tried to blink them away.
He felt dirty. He hadn't taken a shower in what felt like forever. Dust covered his clothes and his hands felt way different than the smooth texture he was used to. The blood trickling down his limbs wasn't helping either. He was in pain, too. Bruises and cuts covering the skin he could see, and he only thought of the worst for the skin that wasn't visible to him. He didn't want to be here anymore. He was tired, both mentally and physically. He hadn't slept in a normal bed in days, and his body started to hurt from sitting for such a long period of time.
"Then you'll have to face the consequences." The man said, and the blade was back again. He shrieked, and felt tears leave his eyes once more. "Just tell us! What's the big deal anyway! Those people of yours are worthless, what's in it for you for protecting them?!" The man at the wall growled, expression angry and he was stepping towards him.
"They're worth so much!" The emperor yelled back. "Even though you can't see it with the low IQ you possess, but they're better than all of you combined together!"
The man's nose wrinkled and he lifted his arm to slap him. Beomgyu's head snapped to the side again, and he cried loudly. "You're a stupid emperor! You should just tell us all the secrets! They're not worth protecting! Not after what they did to us!"
The black haired man still crouched down next to the chair pulled the blade out roughly, and Beomgyu was starting to feel slightly light-headed, more blood trickling down his leg.
He swallowed and glared up at the man standing before him through his tears. "I ain't telling you shit." He spat, the words filthy for someone of the royal family.

A Warrior's Heart
Fanfiction"Help? For what?" He asked. The man looked at him with a serious gaze. "I need you to protect the most precious possession of the kingdom" Started on: 5-01-2020 Finished on: 27-04-2021 ♡ Multifandom, featuring: BTS: • Namjoon, Yoongi, Seokjin ...