Chapter 5

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Kylin and I sat in the silence together for a while. It was quite peaceful and comforting.

Too bad it was ruined by Greez.

"Hey, let's go kids, we're landin'."

I sighed and stood, glancing down at Kylin who has just done the same.

I sat down in my chair by Greez, Kylin by Cere.

As we landed, Cere got up to join Kylin and I by the door to the Mantis.

"Kylin," she said, causing the short girl to turn around, a curious look in her eyes. "I want you to stay behind on this one."

Kylin looked taken aback. "Wait, what? Why?" She glanced up at me and I shrugged.

Cere sighed. "You were hurt. And I just want to make sure we stop the Empire. I don't want you slowing Cal down."

Kylin's eyes widened as I stepped in front of her. "Cere, she doesn't slow me down. In fact, we probably wouldn't have made it this far without her."

Kylin grabbed my arm in appreciation, turning to look back at Cere. "I'm fine now, really. I was just a little shell shocked is all."

Cere narrowed her eyes. "Alright. Go. Just don't get yourselves killed out there." She turned away from us and walked back to the cockpit.

I looked down at Kylin.

"Thanks, for uh, defending me," she said, letting go of my arm.

"Of course," I said. "I don't know what has got Cere all riled up but you're doing great, Ky."

Her cheeks flushed red again as she gave me a slight smile. "Thanks."

That feeling again, in my stomach.

"Now," I said, "who's ready to go find this crash site?"

BD-1 beeped a happy Me!, and I got a confident smile and a nod from Kylin.

"Let's go."


We plowed through the village and mining facility with ease, now that we knew where we were going. We soon came upon the crashed Venator.

"That's HUGE," Kylin said, her jaw dropping ever so slightly.

"Yep, and that is where we have to go." I looked down at her, taking in her short body and her posture. I was taller than her by almost a foot.

"Fun," she said, and this time I could tell it wasn't sarcasm.

We swam through the murky water towards the crash site, climbing up and past a large creature lurking below us.

Kylin was about to walk forward, but I pulled her back. "Probe droids," I whispered.

She nodded her head in realization. The Empire was already here.

I jumped out, the Probe droid beginning to shoot at us. I deflected it's shots, but it started coming towards us, sparking and smoking.

Kylin took a step back, her eyes wide with fear as it blew up a few feet away from us. "I never wanna see that again," she shuddered.

"Looks like we'll have to," I sighed, seeing three more droids in a thruster of the destroyer.

I took them out quickly, making sure to step back so I could avoid their explosions.

After we made our way through the rest of the thruster, I looked up to see where we needed to go.

I glanced down at Kylin, who gave me an affirmative nod.

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