Chapter 2

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Cere had just informed me about Bogano, and I was standing outside after finishing a small talk to her about what I would find, trust, and the Vault.

I turned to leave her, and explore, but stopped when I saw Kylin sitting on the edge of a cliff staring into the distance.

"Hey," I said, standing behind her.

She looked up at me. "Oh, hey." Kylin turned back around to face the sky.

I sat down next to her, swinging my legs over the edge as she had. "Are you alright?"

Kylin simply nodded before standing and boarding the Mantis.

I knew something was obviously wrong, but I had to push that thought away for now and focus.


After returning from the Vault, and telling the group everything I know, I noticed Kylin hadn't even said a word.

Greez and Cere walked back to the cockpit to prepare for Zeffo, while I walked over to Kylin's spot by the terrarium. She was studying the first thing Greez had planted.

"Did you hear we're going to Zeffo?" I asked, pulling the new droid I found, BD-1, off my back.

Kylin nodded, not looking up from the plant. "Yes, I'm not hard of hearing."

"Beep-boooop-trill," BD said.

"BD said that sounded rather sarcastic," I informed Kylin, who definitely was not fluent.

She shrugged. "Maybe." Standing, she turned and walked to the cockpit to talk to Cere.

I sighed and sat down on the couch. I had learned of Eno Cordorva. The holocron. The Younglings.

Kylin poked her head out of the cockpit. "We're landing, c'mon and take a seat."

I stood and sat in the seat next to Greez. We snuck through the Imperial blockade, and landed in the eye of a large storm on Zeffo.

Cere, Greez, and Kylin were all standing outside after we landed. I noticed Kylin had her staff that she had shown me.

"Cere told me to go with you. She said you might need help, and that I need to get out of the Mantis more," Kylin said, seeming slightly embarrassed.

I nodded. "I'd enjoy the company."

BD-1 beeped in protest. "Hey, don't worry, little buddy. I meant more company."

Kylin let out a small laugh. "Well, should we start? Looks like it's going to be a long journey to the tomb."

"Yeah, let's get going," I answered, beginning to jog ahead.

She caught up quickly, and when we reached the abandoned village, we were met with Stormtroopers.

"It's the Jedi!" one yelled, pulling out his blaster. "Wait, who's that with him?"

Kylin just sighed, and, with incredible accuracy and strength, she threw her staff at the trooper. The staff impaled his chest, and he was dead.

Meanwhile, I was cutting down close ranged Scout Troopers.

"Cal! I have to get up there to get my staff!" Kylin shouted over the noise.

"Hold on," I yelled back, finishing off the trooper.

Kylin jumped up and grabbed her staff, and I followed behind her.

We continued plowing through troopers and overcoming obstacles.

We finally made it to the tomb, and Kylin decided to stay outside and keep watch.


After I finally made it though the tomb, and I had reconnected with a part of my Force powers, I met Kylin outside again.

She had been holding off a few squads of Stormtroopers that had arrived while I was in the tomb.

They weren't hard to defeat, and we soon found ourselves on the way back to the Mantis.

"Kashyyyk," I told Cere. "Eno Cordova was friends with a Chieftain named Tarrful."

She nodded. "Yes. He will make a powerful ally."

We set course for Kashyyyk.

Chapter 2 is completed! Now, I'm actually going to go through most of the Kashyyyk adventure :)

Stay shining!

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