Chapter 13

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It was time.

The Mantis was hovering above the water, right near the menacing Fortress where the holocron was being held.

Cere had just been dropped into the water, but Kylin had stopped me from going with the former Jedi.

"Cal, please!" Her eyes were wide and sad as she pleaded.

It pained me to see her like this, but there wasn't anything for me to do.

"Ky, I can't. I can't have you getting hurt, or worse down there! You need to stay here with Greez, okay?" Kylin had been begging us to take her with us.

She started begging again, but it was time.

I pulled her into a deep kiss.

Pulling away, and resting my forehead against hers, I whispered something.

"I think I love you."

I pulled back and stepped into the escape pod, watching as the door closed.

Kylin ran up to it and began banging, crying.

My heart felt like it was going to shatter. This was really happening.

My stomach suddenly shot up to my throat as the pod was released, plummeting into the dirty water below.

I swam inside the Fortress, immediately met with some Stormtroopers.

Tired of seeing the stupid white armour, I jumped out of the water and cut them down.

Progression through the underwater fort was fairly quick, and I was a tad surprised there wasn't more security.

I mean, Trilla had to have known that I would be coming. She knows a few Purge troopers won't stop me.

BD and I came upon a room, which seemed like a spectator's box. Sure enough, when I looked down, there was a large room where two Purge troopers fought.

There was lava running underneath grates that the fierce troopers fought on, right in the center of the room.

"This looks like the dojo where Master Tapal and I trained," I whispered to the little droid on my back. "But evil."

The room down there appeared to be the only way towards progression, so with a sigh, and walked down to where the door was.

It slid open, and both troopers turned. They admittedly seemed confused by my entrance, so I used that to my advantage.

I used the Force to pull one towards me, letting go when he was halfway to me. He fell into the lava.

The other one ran at me, his large electro hammer actually quite menacing. "Just you and me now, Jedi," he growled.

Just barely dodging his attack, I sprinted to the other side of the dojo. The Purge trooper turned in pursuit, but before he could even raise his hammer, I pushed him into the flaming depths below.

That hadn't been too hard, but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The Purge troopers weren't my only test.

A door opened, and a small squad of Stormtroopers poured out, blasters raised.

I groaned, evidently annoyed.

The troopers began firing at me as I raised my lightsaber, igniting both ends.

Red shots flew around the room as I deflected them. Most hit the troopers, and the ones that didn't hit the wall harmlessly.

One trooper remained, and he looked around. "I can't be the only one, can I?!"

I felt only pity for him as his helmet met my lightsaber.

But I knew there was more to come. And I wasn't wrong.

Multiple Scout troopers walked out, followed by two security droids.

The just weren't going to stop, where they?

I began using the Force to push troopers into the lava, but almost the entire time I had to rely on my saber.

Troopers weren't hard to take down, but the last droid was being quite the nuisance.

Deciding to put BD-1's skills to use, I motioned at the black droid.

"Beep boop!" He beeped happily, jumping off my back and onto the security droid's.

The little droid sent a shock through the larger one, and it halted.

"Good job, BD."

He jumped onto my back again, almost missing as I jumped back, startled.

The grates that had moved locked back into place above the lava, meaning I no longer had that to my advantage.

I sighed as more Purge troopers stalked out, their eyes shooting daggers even though they were not visible.

"Hey guys," I said, throwing my lightsaber.

It took a little while longer before I had made it out of the dojo, but I wasn't dead, so that was a positive.

I now stood in front of a door, after having BD bring in some catwalks.

The door opened, and I walked over to a console.

But something wasn't right.

I turned around, and saw Kylin standing in the door with a sheepish smile.

Oh dear God, what had she done?

Okay I'm really sorry I have not posted in two days. I've been really busy.

This chapter was also shorter to save action for the final chapter, which may or may not be up tomorrow. I do not know yet.

ALSO! I am taking requests for the sequel! I can take some one shot requests, and ideas on what you guys want to see with Cal and Kylin. I might even make a book solely for requests/ideas, then have the actual sequel be its own book.

I wanted to thank you guys for 2k views. That is CRAZY. You guys are absolutely amazing. The support I have gotten on this book is incredible.

Just as a note, we have like a foot of snow coming Saturday. I am unsure when Chapter 14 will be posted- but it will likely be before or on Sunday.

Stay tuned and stay shining,

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