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Heyyyyy guys and gals!

Imma make this short: I'm not posting an actual chapter today!

Yeah, I know I know. I'm evil, you all sre waiting. Well, I have school now that break is over and writing a chapter when I get home isn't always easy.

There are two chapters left in this book before the sequel gets posted (sequel may or may not be up this weekend, and if it's not then it'll be up sometime early next week).

One reason I didn't write today is so I can really focus on where I want this to go, and how I want the story to end.

This is big, guys. It really is.

Also! If you want your Cal ideas or one shots in the sequel, LET ME KNOW! I am 100% open to them.

I've been tired getting back into school habits and getting back on a sleep schedule, so I'm sure if I wrote a chapter today it would be half hearted rUbBiSh (I'm not British).

But yeah. Apologies for not posting a chapter today but yea, I'll post the next two chapters once I have a clear idea on how this is going to end. Expect chapter 13 either tomorrow or Thursday.

Thanks for understanding guys, stay shining!

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