Chapter 8

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I had been sitting outside of Kylin's door now for about an hour, my thoughts just drifting.

Kylin moved about a bit more than usual, causing me to look up.

She had sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes. "Caaaaaaalllll," she said, drawing out my name.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?" I called back.

"You don't need to babysit me while I sleep. You aren't my mom." She stood up and walked over to where I sat. "Besides, aren't we going to Dathomir next?"

I sighed. "Yep."

"Well we should probably get going. No matter what Cere says, I'm going this time." She seemed quite determined.

I stood up. "Well, I'll get us going then." I turned and told Greez we were going to Dathomir.

"We're going to Dath- wait, why do you want to go to Dathomir?" It seemed more of a rhetorical question.

Cere looked back at Kylin and I. "Kylin, you're staying back on this one."

I watched as Kylin walked up to Cere, staring her dead on. "No. I'm going with Cal. You can't change that, Cere. So what if I'm not a Jedi? I can still help."

Cere shook her head. "You're just a distraction. If Cal has to constantly worry about you, he is going to end up getting hurt, or worse."

Kylin just rolled her eyes. "Cere, come ON! I'm going with Cal, and that's final."

There was a hint of anger and frustration in Cere's eyes. "Why don't we let Cal decide. He'll make the right call. Won't you, Cal."

I knew what my decision was. One of the two arguing were not going to like it.

"Cere, Kylin is coming with me. She doesn't hold me back, she isn't a distraction. I'd likely be dead if it wasn't for her."

Cere's eyes widened. "Fine then. If you get killed, remember. You made this decision." She turned back to her console.

Greez sighed. "We're landing, sit down."


We had been in Dathomir for a while now.

Kylin and were trekking through the dusty, dry, evil wasteland.

Heck, we even ran into a surviving Nightsister who did not like us. She began summoning Nightbrothers and dead Nightsisters. It was not a pleasant surprise.

The worst part? We fought a giant, rabid bat, and had to jump on and off of it. Definitely not my idea of fun, but we finally made it back to the tomb.

(There was also some weird old guy; this place is extremely weird.)

"There it is," I said to Kylin, who nodded.

"Yep. Hopefully this astrium thing is inside. Otherwise I will be EXTREMELY ticked off."

We stood just in front of the tomb.

"Well, let's get a move on, then. The sooner we get the astrium, the sooner we get out of this place." I gave her a slight smile.


When we walked in, I attempted opening the door. There was a weird glow about it, which disappeared during my attempt to open the large door.

"What ever that was is gone now," I muttered. I turned back to a spot where I could meditate.

"Hey, Ky," I said.

She looked up. "Yeah?"

"Come meditate with me."

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