Chapter 14

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I ran up to Kylin, who hadn't moved from her spot in the doorway.

"Kylin what did you do?! I thought I told you to stay with Greez, Ky!" Too angry and frustrated with her to say anymore, I backed up to hear her explanation.

Her eyes dimmed slightly upon my reaction. "Cal, I wasn't going to leave you down here! This is where the holocron is; it's likely heavily guarded! I- I didn't want something bad to happen," she finished with a whisper, not meeting my eyes.

Some of my previous anger diminished at the sound of her words, but realization set in as to why I wasn't quite satisfied.

I didn't want her down here because I didn't want her to die. I wanted someone to return to back on the Mantis. Or at least if I died, she would be okay.

I sighed. "But how did you get down here? How did you find me?"

"Well, remember when you got the breather thing on Kashyyyk?" At my nod she continued. "I got one from Mari too, the first time we went. She said she just had a 'hunch.' Basically, right after you left, I took the last pod. Then I followed you."

I had to admit it was clever. Stupid, nonetheless, but clever.

"Okay. Well, I guess since you're down here, there isn't really anything I can do to get you to leave. Let's just get the holocron and go." I turned away with a sigh and walked back to the console.

"I'm sorry, Cal." Kylin mumbled.

I was about to answer her, but something was wrong again.

A red lightsaber hit the console, just inches from where my face had been.

Trilla now stood in front of me, a devilish grin on her shadowed face.

"Looking for this?" She taunted, pulling out the holocron.

I just rolled my eyes and pulled out my lightsaber, seeing Kylin pull her staff out on my peripheral vision.

"You'll never leave here alive," Trilla scowled, and I knew we now had no choice but to fight her.

The battle was slow.

Trilla had become used to Kylin and I's previous strategy, so we were totally improvising at the moment.

The Inquistor had all sorts of odd attacks, that were unpredictable and you didn't ever see coming.

I didn't have much of a problem dodging them, however, but Kylin did.

When Trilla pushed me back with the Force (hard, I might add), she turned towards Ky.

My side hurt as I struggled to stand. I couldn't let Trilla hurt her. Not again.

The ebony armoured figure advanced on Kylin, lightsaber raised.

Ky tried dodging, but instead Trilla's hand shot out and grabbed the younger and less experienced girl.

"I look forward to giving Cere your heads," she growled, holding Kylin and place before readying her saber.


I don't know where it came from. All the strength I had left went into the Force, as I pushed Trilla towards the center of the catwalk.

Kylin dropped and looked at me with wide eyes, though I didn't have time to acknowledge here as I charged the Inquistor.

The Second Sister met my saber with her own, and we pushed back and forth upon each other. It was clear I had the advantage.

I swung my lightsaber and she fell backwards, looking up at me as I grabbed the holcron.

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