Chapter 3

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"Cal, I can't jump! I'm too scared!" Kylin cried.

We were standing on the edge of the Mantis's boarding dock, getting ready to jump into the waters of Kashyyyk.

Fear clouded Kylin's eyes as she looked at me then back at the water.

"If you're gonna jump, do it now kids!" Greez yelled from the cockpit.

Kylin shook her head. "I can't!"

"Yes you can!" I yelled, "hold on to me!"

She froze.

"Come on!" I reached out for her.

Kylin shut her eyes and grabbed on to my waist, and I jumped.

We hit the water feet first. BD-1 was the first to the surface.

Before going up myself, I looked around in the murky water for Kylin. I didn't see her.

But as I went up for air, I saw her surface as well a few feet away.

I sighed in relief. "Let's swim to that AT-AT," I said, gesturing towards the large troop transport about a hundred meters ahead.

Kylin nodded and we swan towards the AT-AT, finally reaching the legs. "Up there," I said, grabbing on to vines and ivy on the exterior

Kylin followed, and we soon reached the top of the great beast.

A Scout Trooper on top of the AT-AT was shot down without our interference.

After jumping down and into the belly of the beast and taking down some troopers, we jumped into the cockpit where the two pilots were.

I smashed their heads together, and Kylin and I jumped into their seats.

I pulled some sticks. "There's the blasters..."

"Hey, you! You're in violation-" there was a hologram of a Stormtrooper yelling at us.

"Can you shut him up?" I asked Kylin, who nodded and pushed a button.

We shot down an AT-AT, then I moved ours forward towards where the battle was.

Kylin let out a yelp as a man in armour jumped onto the window of the AT-AT.

"Hey," he yelled. "Who the hell are you?"

"Someone making the Empire angry," I responded. "Who are you?"

"Saw Gerrera. We're also making the Empire angry." He jumped off.

"Let's make 'em even angrier," I muttered, plowing the AT-AT through a bridge before stopping in front of some Imperials.

Kylin shot them down, taking control of the blasters.

"Above us," I said, pointing to a Interceptor above us.

Kylin destroyed it with ease, but then it started descending towards us.

"It's coming our way," I yelled, "can you stop it?"

BD-1 beeped in response, pushing buttons frantically, but it was too late.

"Brace yourselves!" I yelled, grabbing on to BD.

The ship collided with our AT-AT.

We were both thrown from our seats as a fire started in the cockpit, though Kylin fell down much farther with a grunt of pain.

Things tumbled around the AT-AT as it fell, finally meeting the ground with a large crash.

Things were still and silent. Not even BD-1 beeped.

"You guys okay?" I asked, pulling myself up to a standing position.

BD-1 jumped up and beeped an affirmative response, but Kylin only groaned in response.

I looked around for her, finally spotting her dark hair in the light from the flames.

Her leg was stuck under a piece of debris from the crash.

I slid down and helped her pull it off.

"Thanks," she grunted, sliding up with a wince.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked, noticing that her leg didn't seem quite fine.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I've survived worse." Kylin pulled herself up into the cockpit, towards the whole. "Let's go. We've got a Cheiftain to find." She stuck out her hand.

I grinned and grabbed it. She truly was something special.


Stay shining!

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