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A/N:i eat too much ramen now i'm fucking hyper

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i eat too much ramen now i'm fucking hyper.


as footsteps crunch on the dried leaves on the ground, spinel looked around the damp woods of oklahoma. spinel is getting frustrated but kept on looking.

spinel let out a deep sigh, she looked at the lake beside the trail she's on. the weather condition is perfect, the sun is making the water shimmer like the stars in the night sky.

she continued walking whilst looking at the body of water, then her footing landed on something soft. spinel removed her eyes on the lake and looked down on what she stomped on.

she removed her foot as well the leaves covering it, then an ear is revealed. spinel's eyes widen and kneeled down and dug the thing out herself.

as all of the leaves are off, she lifted it and it's the bunny. it cleared aged and is pretty dirty, nonetheless this is bunny you're probably looking for.

spinel stood up while looking at the bunny then she snickered. "you're hella ugly." then she started to walk back to her car.

a little dry cleaning wouldn't hurt.


spinel parked her car at the hospital you were took in, she grabbed the paper bag that is in the driver passenger seat and exited.

she walked to the hospital entrance and to the counter, she asked for you room and the lady gave her the number. spinel went to the elevator and pressed the floor level you're on.

as the elevator stopped at her level, spinel hurried on looking for your room as she couldn't take it anymore. she just wants to see you.

spinel finally found your room, she took a deep breath and opened the door. the first thing she heard is machines humming softly, spinel walked in and saw your body lying on the hospital bed.

you're still sleeping.

spinel sat down at the chair near you and placed the paper bag on the nightstand. she grabbed your hand "hey toots, i'm back. i got your bunny, she was hella wreck but i cleaned her." spinel said as she rubbed circles on your palm.

"i also took out your asshole of a boss, they won't hurt ya anymore love." spinel leaned close to you, "so. . please wake up soon alright?" as if spinel is expecting a response.

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