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"shit. . ." you touched your shot shoulder, your hand filled by your blood. you glared the person who shot you and ran towards them while shooting the hell out of them.

as you finally got close to them, you fired your last bullet and spat at their dead body. you winced a little but held it in, "y/n lemme fix that!" you heard steven say.

steven came to your side and held your wounded shoulder carefully, he spat on his hand and slammed his saliva hand onto the wound.

you shuddered at the cold liquid hit your skin, as steven pulled his hand away the wound is now gone. you looked at the wound and at the boy, "thanks." steven smiled "happy to help!"

then you felt spinel's hand grip your shoulder, you looked up to see her clothes all bloodied and has her axe over her shoulder.

"ya okay doll?" you nodded and stood up, "thanks to steven." you ruffled the boy's hair which made him giggle. you heard spinel huff, you lightly pinched her cheek.

"come on, let's finish this." spinel nodded. steven and the gems lead them to a somewhat throne room. and there sat bismuth and soujo with a smirk on his damned face.

you growled, "glad to see ya'll made it." he stood up and started walking down the flight of stairs, "it is truly a shame knowing that my fellow colleague betrayed us." he shakes his head in dismay, sarcastically.

"yeah, wouldn't be too much of a surprise." you stepped forward soujo now both of you are circling each other like wild lions.

"you even ended up with that shit?" he pointed at spinel disgustingly, this pissed you off. you pulled out your gun and fired, but he dodged it.

"abrasive as always." you clicked your tongue and kept your eyes on soujo.

meanwhile, spinel her eyes on bismuth who didn't stand up, she's just looking down at her former boss. this made spinel inpatient.

"well?! ain't ya gonna come down and fight?!" bismuth sighed and stood up, then lapis and peridot came out on both sides of her throne.

"i don't want to fight you."

"neither do i." then bismuth jumped down the staircase while hands on the air, getting ready for a slam down. lapis and peridot also took of with their own devices.

as bismuth is getting closer, steven stepped in and drew his big shield. pearl, garnet and amethyst got under the shield and helped the boy to keep the shield up.

bismuth got off the shield and stumbled back, she drew her gun out. lapis came from above with a water spear in hand, she threw multiple spears down at them.

peridot came flying down with lots and lots of metal objects behind her as she laughs maniacally.

garnet grabbed all of them and went out the door leaving you and soujo in the room alone.

"no wait! y/n!!" spinel got out of garnet's grip and tried to get to the door but it was block by a water wall with metal.

spinel clicked her tongue, she reached for her gem and pulled out the rejuvenator but it's modified by bismuth.

"get out of my way."


as if crickets are the only ones making sounds in the room, the two came running at each other in full speed with knives in their hands.

(they decided they'll use knives for some reason)

you swung your knife to soujo's neck which he merely missed, he chuckled "you're agile as expected. i wonder if you could pack a punch."

"you should see my kick!" you kicked soujo's stomach, he grunted and then grabbed your leg. he slammed you to the ground, knocking some air out of you.

you growled and flipped yourself up, soujo ran up to you aiming for your abdominal. you dodged every single attack, as soujo attempts to strike again.

you grabbed his collar and slams his face onto your knee hard to break his nose. you lifted him slightly to stab your knife in this abdominal which made him couch out blood.

you dropped his slowly draining body to the ground as well as your knife. you kneeled down beside his body, watching him suffer.

but you let your guard down which resulted to soujo stabbing you to the side. you yelped in pain and gritted your teeth, you punched his face that made him yell in pain and he drove the knife deeper in you.

"shit! you fucking-!" you pulled out your gun and shot his head multiple times.

as you fully cooled down, you handled your side. you bit the inside of your mouth and groaned, you looked at the entrance to see it blocked.

you frowned, you can clearly hear some noise from the other side and you wanna get in that action and probably need steven's spit.

you slowly stood up but the wound is really deep, it hurts while moving around. you dragged your ass towards a wall and leaned against it while holding your side to not make the blood loss worse.

what are you gonna do? you have nowhere to go. sure, you can just stand up and look for an exit though, that ain't gonna happen.



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