q u i n d i c i

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"ready?" spinel looked back at her team, they looked prepared and confident as spinel expected and wanted to see.

spinel looks at you, you have still have the bat though you have a gun, you still chose to use the bat. "y/n, come here." spinel ushered you.

you walked up to her, she grabbed your waist and pulls you into a kiss. you kissed back and the bat almost slipped out of your hands, she pulled away and grabbed you cheeks.

"stay safe okay?" she placed her forehead against yours, you nuzzled. "i bet i can take down more enemies than you." you smirked.

spinel chuckled and placed her against your heart, "you're on." she gave one last peck on the lips and dragged you to the wrap pad.

as you two stepped in with steven and the gems already on it, spinel held your waist tightly as she doesn't want to let anything happen to you while wrapping.

"let's go." then the wrap lit up and their bodies flew into this bright thing.

as all of you reached the end of the wrap, you almost collapsed on the ground but held on. spinel lets you adjust, as you finally regained composure, right on cue; a bunch of gems and humans aimed their guns at us.

you swung your bat off your shoulder and looked at the humans that you seemed to recognize. "hey patricia." you waved at the girl with a stoic expression as she looks at you.

"traitor." she said as she aimed her gun at you.

"says the one who's asking for a sugar daddy." you chuckled, you saw her gritted her teeth and fired the shot that made steven drop a stereo.

you looked at the boy, confused on why he would bring that in this kind of time. "wha-?" spinel turned her head at steven and nodded.

as you heard the guitar strung, you grew more and more confused on what the hell is their fighting ethnic.

spinel readied her gun and smirked at you, "that's how we work doll."


the spinel did a running start, she shot one of the humans and knocked down one of the gems which amethyst poofed and bubbled.

spinel went for the humans while garnet, pearl and amethyst aimed for the gems. you stood there watching them fight in such an expert way while despacito is playing.

"y/n! are ya just gonna let me win the bet!" spinel is now covered in blood, to be honest that's hot. you shook your head and grinned, you ran towards one person and knocked their head quite hard to make some blood splash into your face.

you went to another and bashed their heads. spinel stood motionless as she observes your movement, she's bashing a person's head on the floor making the person's unrecognizable.

you swing and swung your bat until it broke in half with the immense force you gave. you panted slightly but then someone shot you from the side that you were able to deflect.

it's patricia.

you started circling her, "so, how's life." you asked as you placed your hands behind your back.

"don't give me that bullshit." she continued to aim her gun at you as she tries to make a strong face, the fact of her fellow comrades got killed by a gem killing machine and their own kind.

"why?" she asked as her voice cracked, "why what?" she was about to say something but spinel stabbed her right through the stomach. you watch her body collapse on the floor.

"i already got it."

spinel scoffs, "don't play with your food." she walks toward you and placed her hand on your cheek which is full of blood.

spinel rubbed your cheek softly and leaned closer to your ear "i'm way ahead of ya." she pulls away with a smirk. you glared at her and ran your finger to her gem which made her tense up.

"just wait baby, i'll drag your face into the ground." you said as you walked away, headed to where steven and the gems are waiting.

"you always make us wait." amethyst grumbled as she held her whip on her shoulder. "ya know how y/n can be." spinel said as she slapped your ass hard to make you jump.

"you two still have the audacity to flirt in this kind of time." pearl shook her head, "let's keep moving." garnet said as she lead the way.

as the six of you walked through the seemingly endless hallways, you stumbled upon a weaponry. you called them over and garnet punched the door wide open with ease.

all six started rummaging through vests and weapons. you grabbed a strap of grenades, twin pistols, a shotgun and a bat too.

as you wore your vest on, you heard footsteps. multiple footsteps coming from outside and it's getting closer.

the gems and steven noticed it, now that ya'll have fancy weapons to show off and end the show spectacular.

you took out your twin pistols and spun it around the rim, you cocked it and drew a big grin on your face. this is probably the best fights you've ever done.

"steven, mind playing buttercup?"

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