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"hey steven!" steven looked up from his phone to see bismuth standing in front of him. "oh, hi bismuth, need something?" he asked.

bismuth shook her head, "no, i'm just gonna ask if boss caught y/n now." steven tensed a little and turned off his phone, "i don't think she did though. . ." he rubbed the back of his neck.

bismuth hummed in thought, "it's been a few weeks now and boss still hasn't caught her? i should probably go in the search too." bismuth said, she started to walk away.

"no wait! bismuth, boss said that she'll be the only one doing this mission." the boy said as he stood up from the chair, "steven, it's spinel we're talking about. she'd be here right now since she's the elite of the elite!"

"y-yeah but—"

"i'm rose's trusted warrior, now that spinel is our boss. i'd gladly help or even lay my life for her." bismuth said as she continued to walk away. steven couldn't do anything about her, he can't stop her.

steven sighed deeply and grabbed his phone that he left on the chair. he opened it and messaged someone.


"ya comfy?" spinel asked as she placed another pillow. you grumbled, "very." spinel started burying you with pillows she has in the house for you to feel comfortable after you told your story.

"you really don't have to bombard me with pillows though." spinel shook her head, "nonsense!" she petted your head and chuckled, "i will bite your hand off."

"i'd like to see ya try toots." you said as you tried to shake spinel's hand off. instead of spinel letting you be, she got on top of you since there are also pillows beneath you, your face is more closer to her than before.

"what's with you and pinning?" you start to feel your heart pumping aggressively, spinel didn't answer and just stared at your lips.

you start to feel uneasy with this, "uh spinel can you—!" without warning spinel crashed her lips onto yours.

you were absolutely shookt by this and you don't know what to do. so, you kissed back which made spinel think you like it and deepened the kiss.

you unconsciously melted and let your hands roam on her pink locks, but you two have to pull away since a message popped up on spinel's phone which is on her pocket.

spinel slowly pulled away, her eyes are more vibrant than before. she stood up, fished her phone out of her pocket and looked to see what the message is about.

it's from steven.

boss something came up


bismuth is on the hunt for y/n and is probably gonna go and dish your place out

shit why didnt you stop her

i tried but you know how she is

alright thanks for letting me know

spinel puts her phone back into her pocket. she looked back at you, "what is it?" you asked, spinel shook her head. "some company wanting to sell me some rugs."

you nodded, though you doubt that's the truth. without warning (again) you're pushed into the bed with spinel on top, her eyes are practically glowing as well as her gem (slightly).

"doll, i feel something and it's been botherin' me. wanna help me figure it out?" spinel leaned down to your ear as she huskily whispers, this does turn you on.

her hands moved around your body and you shivered under her touch. you squirmed but it's no use, spinel dove her hand inside your shirt and you can feel her hand caressing your bra-ed breasts.

"can i. . ?" it's evident that spinel hasn't done this kind of thing before, so you nodded slowly, she removed the clip and you can feel her gloved hand fondling your breasts.

you mewled and bit your finger to hold moans, spinel raised your shirt but you instantly grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"i. . . i'm sorry but not today." you said, spinel looked at you (she seemed dissapointed) and smiled. "it's alright toots, i'll let you get comfortable in your own skin."

spinel stood up from the bed and walked out of the room. you're left with your thoughts now. it's been, what, 3-4 weeks you've been staying with spinel.

you only have 2 weeks to spare to get a chance to kill spinel. though. . . do you really want to kill her? is she going to be the one? is she going to save you?

you slammed your head on one of the pillows and screamed at on it.

do you love spinel?

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