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*MUSIC WILL GET MOOD FOR Asani point of view*

"Damn you Donovan Azure!" Desire said as she walked into his hospital room.

"Desire my biggest desire, what do I owe the sweet pleasure?" Donovan's tone made Desire think of the very first time they met.

"I'm so happy your weak now," As soon as she was within arms reach her lips found Donovan's in a desperate, but passionate kiss.

Donovan's hands found her waist as he gently pulled her closer to him. The kiss ignited a fire deep inside the both of them but was interrupted when Donovan fell into a fit of coughs.

"Baby are you okay?" Desire was so close to calling the nurses in but Donovan stopped her.

"I'm cool, where's Vina?" Donovan asked and Desire's face fell instantly.

"She hasn't come to see you?" Donovan shook his head no and the wheels in Desire's head started turning. "Maybe she's at school, you know midterms are here."

Truth was she didn't know where Vina was, it was like she didn't want to be around anyone. The only person who Desire thought she would talk to was Quincy.

"Yeah maybe you're right," Desire could tell he wasn't believing it fully, but he wanted to believe that.

Desire snuggled up against Donovan as she hugged him softly, "I'm so sorry."

"Why?" Donovan looked down at Desire who couldn't even looked at him.

"I feel like what happened to you is partially my fault, I couldn't handle seeing you unresponsive, and then to top it off you lost a part of your lung."

"That's not your fault, I knew it would be dangerous and I only lost a small part. I'll be back to normal before you know it." Donovan kisses Desires forehead as tears left her eyes.

"Ocean really took it hard when she saw you wouldn't wake up," Desire could hear the little girls cries as she went crazy.

"She's been stuck at my hip ever since I woke up, I had to bribe her to go to school." Donovan laughed as he thought about his little girl. "I don't think I'm ever going to do something like that again, Ocean deserves better and I'm going to give her that."

"I know you will, but you have to take it slow first. Don't rush into things because then you'll half ass your recovery," That guilt Desire felt would go away soon but it wouldn't be today. This was something that was eating her from the inside out and she needed to make sure Donovan was good.

"I got a question and I want you to be read honest with me," Donovan's serious eyes turned to Desire who stomach churned at the thought of what he could ask.

"Yeah..." she trailed off as she mess her finger nails. She wished, no she hoped he would ask about April because that would only cause more trouble.

"Why is there so much tension between April and Kofi?" As confused as Donovan was he wasn't stupid.

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow after my last session," Desire moves to get up, this was not something she wanted to talk about. She felt like Kofi needed to be the one to tell his brother.

"Desire, please sit down." Though it sounded like a demand she knew Donovan didn't like relationships were there was power over another. "Tell me what's going on."

"While you was in a coma, April wanted to kill you, and Reiya wouldn't let her since she the successor. She wants to kill you because we're involved with each other and she feel as though I'm the reason why bad things keep happening." Desire took a deep breath before she continued. She knew that whatever she would probably bring about the Azure wrath on April. "Kofi and Reiya told her that if you died they would kill her no hesitation, but she's still planning it so the only thing we can do it get rid of her."

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