the truth

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Lucinda seemed to be the one to keep the castle, or whatever else this huge ass building was called, in neat order. She was always doing stuff, but on the other hand, she also always seemed to be fine with talking. She was chatty.

And while I may be chatty once in a while, I preferred my space and solitude as well.

I ventured around the castle alone, I couldn't have Hades having to shout the directions every time I went anywhere. And he'd told me I could, and he wasn't here.

"You must be Stella," a voice said from inside a room whose door I'd just passed.

I stopped and looked into the room. It looked like a modern office, with the lack of a computer and phone, yet with desk, files and all the rest. The woman behind the desk was tall, she stood, with long, flowing blond hair, eyes as green as emeralds and a long flowy green dress. She didn't seem like she belonged here. It was as if she was too colorful? The green seemed too bright.

"I'm Persephone," she said. "I'd heard you would come."

I nodded. So I was expected?

"Don't take this the wrong way. But I want to ensure you're not getting fooled by Hades as I was."

I crossed my arms. "So are you saying this because you generally care about my well-being, or are you just jealous that I'm not stuck down here?" She could be a jealous bitch. Or, that was how the appeared to me.

She smiled. It was a cold ass smile, and I didn't like it one bit. "Not stuck here? Honey, the second you touch food cooked in his kitchen, you're doomed. Why do you think everyone else stays in the waiting room? Walking around, only eating food someone has brought from the village?"

I had a sick feeling. "Nice chat," I said, turned on my heel and left. I walked back the way I came, knowing I wouldn't have to pass that witch's office again. Maybe she was right, I had no way of knowing, but she gave me the creeps.

My heart was pounding in my chest.

I felt dizzy. I stopped by a conveniently placed chair and sat down. My heart was pounding, tires screeched and I lifted my gaze from the key in time to see a car approaching me.

The crash felt loud and deafening in my heard.

When I opened my eyes again, I was lying on the cold, hard, hardwood floor. I pushed myself unto my knees.

My head was spinning. I turned and sat down on the floor, my head between my knees.


I took deep breaths and finally made it up into a standing position. Slowly, and with a hand on the railing, I went outside the building. I sat down on the steps in front of the castle. The breeze was nice and comforting against my clammy skin.

Was I stuck down here?

Had I been hit by that car, what was the possibility of not being dead?

I was only focusing on my breathing.


The voice broke my reverie on how I'd died. Maybe it was more a waking nightmare. I almost fell backwards.

Strong hands gripped my hands and pulled me into a sitting position.

I opened my eyes.

Hades' gaze was not even a foot away. Seven inches or something. Too close, but somehow not close enough.

"What are you doing out here? You're pale as a ghost!"

I shrugged him off, not willing him to notice my attraction to him. And right now I hated him, so it was that simple.

"I had a nice chat with Persephone." I sneered at him.

He stood, looking down at me. "You're not forced to stay when you eat down here," he said and stalked into the castle.

I hugged my knees to my chest.

Who to believe?

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