I got back to bed and fell asleep almost instantly.
When I woke again, dawn could be seen through the blinds. I stretched, showered and got dressed before walking to the kitchen.
Lucinda was behind the stove, making pancakes.
"Morning," I said.
Lucinda glanced back at me. "Morning," she said. "I figured I'd make pancakes. If you want to, you can slice some fruit."
I grabbed the fruit from the fridge and started slicing fruit.
"How was Stella yesterday?" I asked.
Lucinda shrugged. Her hair was in a bun at the top of her head. "She seemed shocked, but that's to be expected. I think we'll go to town. As far as I've researched, there isn't anyone she's not supposed to meet?" She glanced back at me.
"No, I don't think there is. But I don't know her entire life story." I ate a slice of banana. "Just, ask her."
Lucinda nodded. "Will do." She promised. "Hey, I was thinking, should I give her a tour of the castle?"
I contemplated the answer. "I mean, if she wants one. But to me she seems like the type who'd rather explore it on her own."
Lucinda turned off the gas and looked at me. "I think, that's a good assumption."
"Thank you, I'm rather good at reading people."
She rolled her eyes. "Hades, most of the time you've looked them up."
"Hey, I haven't looked that up about her." I smiled. "Yet."
Lucinda giggled. "Should I go get her?"
"Nah, I'll direct her." I left the kitchen. "Walk to your left!" I called. I could sense her hesitation.
"Fine!" I heard her yell.
I laughed. "And take the stairs down." I waited. "And again."
She sighed so loudly I could hear it. I chuckled. "And to the right, and you'll see me."
She appeared at the top of the stairs and walked down. She wore her clothes from yesterday. The leather jacket was pulled tight around her, the boots tied, as if she was ready to run.
"Lucinda has made pancakes." I said.
"Thank you," Stella said, her blue eyes cold as steel as she passed me.
I followed her to the kitchen.
"Morning!" Lucinda said. "Slept well?"
I sat down across the table from Stella. Would she mention she'd been awake that night?
"I slept fine, thank you. And you?"
"Like a rock!" Lucinda said. "Like, I did so much yesterday I was completely out when I went to bed."
Stella smiled. It caressed her face and made her features softer.
"Any plans for today?" Lucinda asked. "Or will you join me on a shopping spree?"
Stella rested her chin in her hands. "I hate shopping, but since I don't want to live in these clothes in, like, forever, I guess we'll go shopping."
"You enthusiasm is like that of an elderly couple who feel ready to die, yet try to hide their enthusiasm for being in the Underworld."
Stella looked at me. "Are you always so morbid?"
"Yes," Lucinda said.
"Occupational hazard, can't help it." I said.
Lucinda looked at me with an arched brow.
"Don't look at me like that," I almost warned.
Stella nodded. "Right. It's going to be fun being down here." She gulped down a glass of orange juice and ate the pancakes with fruit and syrup, before she left the kitchen without another word.
"Is it that morbid?" I asked Lucinda.
She was eating her pancakes. "I mean, she isn't from down here, so that might make it a bit harsh. And she is alive."
"Ah, shit." I said. "Thank you for a lovely breakfast. I'll just apologize, before I head to work."
Lucinda smiled. "Bring some cookies to Charon."
"I'll stop by before leaving." I promised and left the kitchen to find Stella.
She was in the library.
I walked to the room and stopped in the door.
She was sitting in a chair behind the desk. Her gaze on the book in front of her. It was unopened and dusty.
She looked up and caught my gaze. "Hades."
"I'm sorry. About the morbidity in the kitchen." I leaned into the door frame.
She shrugged.
"Uhm, if you want a tour of the castle or the library for that matter, just let me know. Or Lucinda."
Stella leaned back in the chair. "Okay, I have a question. What is this for?" She pointed at the globe.
I smiled and stepped into the room. "So, on Earth you have cell phones and computers. We don't. It doesn't work down here. But we have the globes." I picked a small globe up from a table drawer and rolled it her way across the desk. "This is a cell phone down here. It creates a hologram, which you then speak to. No one besides those who you invite by your actions to join the conversation can see or hear the other person."
Stella nodded and tightened her pony tail.
"The big globe, on the table, is like a computer. It works in the same fashion, but with holograms."
She nodded again. "Thanks." Her voice was strained.
I hesitated. "Is there anything you would like to talk about?" I asked, my voice gentle.
She shook her head and fingered the small globe.
Should I leave now? Damn, it was ages since I'd been with someone who hadn't known me for decades.
"I'll go to work, just call Lucinda if there is anything." I offered, my voice still gentle. It didn't sound like me.
"Thank you," Stella muttered.
I left and walked to the kitchen.
Lucinda had packed a lunch for both me and Charon. "What's the matter?"
"Stella seemed off," I said. "How come it's been ages since I've gotten to know someone knew?"
Lucinda shrugged. "You haven't been on Earth in like, three hundred years, maybe that's why?"

RomanceStella, a teacher in her mid-twenties, is in a car accident which leaves her in a coma. She wakes up in the Underworld, where she meets Hades and his housekeeper, Lucinda. The castle is old, uninhabited, and letters, which aren't meant for Stella to...