Hades left for work, and I went back to the music room.
A soft knock on the door disturbed my rummaging through books.
"Yeah?" I asked.
Lucinda peeked in. "Oh, hey, Stella. What are you doing?"
"Finding books actually worth reading," I said. "And they aren't magically unwilling to let me read them."
She smiled. "I'll be going to town for a few things for dinner."
"Okay, see you later." I said.
The door shut and I paged through a book. It was supposed to be a book I know, but I couldn't place it. I had read Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters, and I should be able to place this as one of those old classics.
Giving up I went up the nearest staircase and ended up underneath a ladder and a trapdoor.
Crawling up, I found the room cozy and lit. A light was lit in the center of the room, a loveseat stood along one wall with cushions. It felt too girly for me.
I sat down on the loveseat. It was a deep burgundy red. I patted the seat. It was soft and feathery to the touch.
Beside the couch was a small side table. I opened the top drawer and noticed a handful of letters.
Pulling them up, I noticed Persephone's handwriting.
I have, by Hades, been banished to Olympia until spring. And I have a little outstanding with Hades. Can I please have you helping me? I know just the reward, that is, if you're willing to accept.
Interesting, but not the least surprising. I folded the letter and opened the next. The handwriting was elaborate, and I somehow found it almost difficult to read.
Hades and Stella are fighting. They don't seem to be doing much else. I think they hate each other. He doesn't want to be in room with her, and whenever they get near each other, an argument is going down.
But, then, the other night, Hades stormed off, and Stella seemed so quiet and sad I talked to her. And I think she likes him. Should I encourage her? Because I did. I hope that was the better choice?
Should I, if it is the right choice, try and make Hades see her appeal? Should I set them up, or is that not what your plan is?
I don't like to be around when they fight. They shout at each other, yet they are always standing too close when they argue. It's distracting, and part of me wants to see them fight, the other part wants to see them kissing.
Please, respond.
I felt like there were a few missing pieces I hadn't found. But why would Lucinda help Persephone? Again, that missing piece, because Persephone would have to tell Lucinda about that reward. At least, I thought so.
Maybe they talked? But how? Lucinda wouldn't go to Olympia, would she?
I opened the next letter.
It is good. Just encourage her, and please encourage him too. I want him to hurt, like he hurt me. It may ages ago since we had anything resembling a loving relationship, but I have not forgotten how he treated Zagreus and Macaria.
Yes, encourage him. Please send back a letter when they either fight or kiss. I would very much like to be updated.
Thank you!
I wasn't surprised by that one. Persephone didn't like me, but I had a feeling that was directed at anyone who Hades liked and wasn't her.
I found the next letter, this one from Lucinda.
Why are you sending back the letter I sent? Where should I keep them? While Hades never rummages through my stuff, I don't feel comfortable with having these letters lying around.
I encouraged Hades, and I think he took the advice. He spent the evening in Stella's room, before he left and went to Olympus early the following morning.
Stella has been acting weird all day, so something is definitely up. She won't confide in me, so I presume they will have to work it out between themselves.
I'll keep you updated
The girl voiced my question, why was Persephone's letters here? But this was a while back, when Hades and I were almost talking, but not quite.
I folded the letter. And so what if Persephone wanted us to be together because she knew Hades would hurt afterwards? I think we would've gotten to that point regardless.
But I was right, Lucinda had been sneaking off. I just hadn't thought she would be one of Persephone's accomplishes. People weren't as simple as they appeared.
The castle consists of multiple castles. The attics are usable in all of these. Do not use the wing in which Hades has his bedroom, those are his, and he will come to these rooms from time to other. To meditate, or Rhea knows what. I don't, I don't care.
The western side of the castle has many attics, use one of these. If Zagreus or Macaria has any of their belongings, then please do not occupy those rooms. But there will have to be vacant ones.
I looked at the letter for a long time. Was the music room maybe Macaria's? Or Zagreus' or Melinoë's?
I read the next letter in line.
Hades returned, they yelled and I went by Stella's room with food. She hasn't been eating for two full days, and I worry about her well-being.
Hades waited outside her room for the longest time before he went to his bedroom.
I knocked on Stella's door, and she bade me show him the way to his room. They stayed in there all night.
That was the day I wasn't feeling well. I put the all of the letters back as I'd found them and left the attic. Yes, there was more, but I was tired.
Hades' bed seemed like the obvious choice.
Having ascended all the freaking stairs, the way seemed way too long. I braced myself and went there.
Inside the confines of his bedroom, I could relax. Truly relax. I undressed, put on one of his T-shirts and went to bed. Maybe he didn't like me sleeping in his bed when he wasn't there, but this room felt safer than my own.

Storie d'amoreStella, a teacher in her mid-twenties, is in a car accident which leaves her in a coma. She wakes up in the Underworld, where she meets Hades and his housekeeper, Lucinda. The castle is old, uninhabited, and letters, which aren't meant for Stella to...