Hades' grip felt like a vise. He was squeezing me, but it didn't hurt.
I released his arms and fisted my fingers in his hair.
He leaned back, breaking the kiss. We both dragged in huge amounts of air.
I started laughing. He was rock hard beneath me, and he wasn't doing anything, and the look on his face was too serious.
"What?" he asked.
"You're reaction is just pure seriousness, and then you're hard."
He looked at my breasts. "Well, if you don't want to do more talking."
"I always want to talk to you, with you, but I also really want to do something about this predicament we're in."
"Predicament?" he asked. "This is more like a situation."
I pursed my lips. "Nah, predicament."
He rolled his eyes and had me sitting up, his lips met my collarbone, gently kissing his way down to my breast. I moaned when he pulled my erect nipple into his wet, warm mouth.
"Hades," I whimpered.
He tugged, just enough to make my insides clench, not enough for pain to sear through me.
I somehow found it in me to release his hair. Exploring, and distracted, I let my fingers wander down and gripped his erection.
A hissing sound came from him.
"Have you finished this bath?" he asked through clenched teeth.
I nodded.
Hades wrapped my legs around him and stood, leaving the tub and walking to the bed.
"We're wet!" I exclaimed. It should be a protest, but then he kissed me as a response. He put me down on his bed.
"And the bed will dry, as will we." He said, pushing me into the bed, covering my body with kisses. He gave each breast careful attention before continuing south.
I fisted the sheets in my hands, begging his name, without knowing what I begged for.
Hades' tongue met my clitoris, causing me to cry out. He had his hands on my legs, keeping me wide open.
I tried to squirm, to move, to do something.
His mouth and tongue and fingers were performing magic. Like the night in my bedroom, the orgasm hit me with a force unheard of. It rippled through me, causing me to gasp and whisper and beg and moan.
My body felt spend and sated when I returned to planet Earth. Or, well, Hades' bedroom.
Hades were lying next to me, and arm across my stomach, his dark eyes directed at my face.
I blushed. It rarely happened, but with him it did.
"I feel like I keep missing out," I said, looking up at him. Too tired to move any other limb.
"What are you missing out on?" he asked.
"You. Inside me." I said. "But now I'm too tired to move, and I have this feeling you don't want to do anything more now."
"Good guess." He said and smiled a soft smile.
I stretched and whimpered.
"Are you hurt?" he asked, beneath the truthful question I could see his mirth.
"No, just used." I said. "I'm getting cold now."
He moved the covers and snuggled into me. "Better?"
"Oh, much better." I said and sighed.
Hades chuckled, it was throatier than a chuckle, but it felt nice, and I closed my eyes.

RomanceStella, a teacher in her mid-twenties, is in a car accident which leaves her in a coma. She wakes up in the Underworld, where she meets Hades and his housekeeper, Lucinda. The castle is old, uninhabited, and letters, which aren't meant for Stella to...