Stella was in the kitchen, when I had cooled enough down not to yell at her. Of course she went to the attic after I'd told her not to.
Of course she'd found the letters Persephone wrote me.
Zagreus and Macaria had never lacked anything. Even though I wasn't there. Time worked differently.
I sat down opposite from Stella.
Lucinda served dinner. She made a plate and left the kitchen.
The air was intense.
I focused on my food.
"I'm sorry for reading personal correspondence," Stella said.
I looked at her. "Are you?" I asked.
"No," she said.
"Then why tell me you are?" I asked.
She stood, placed her empty plate in the sink and leaned back against the table, arms crossed. Her leather jacket were missing. The dress had short sleeves, the waist accentuated her curvy figure.
"Because I would be pissed if someone read anything I'd written to someone that was personal." She said. "But I don't regret reading those letters. I'm fucking bored, Hades. I hate being trapped here, and I want nothing more than to go back to my life."
I stood, knocking the chair over. "Listen, just because you're bored doesn't give you the right to read letters that has nothing to do with you!" Maybe I yelled.
Stella's eyes widened.
I went to her, finger pointed at her.
"Why is the attic decorated with a mattress?" she asked.
"None of your business," I said. "I will gladly lock the door if you can't control yourself and stay away from the attic."
"Oh, I can," she said. Her eyes void of emotion.
We were standing rather close, actually.
"Good," I said.
She was looking at me. I could see her pupils dilating. She was not supposed to be scared of me. Nor attracted to me, if that was what it meant.
I took a deep breath and curled my hand into a fist before letting it fall against my side.
Stella arched a brow.
I assumed she wasn't scared of me then.
"Then what am I allowed to do?" She asked.
I stared at the wall behind her, trying to gain my composure. "Listen, Stella," I said. "I am very sorry no one else is in the exact same unfortunate position as you are. Had there been another one, said person would be here too, and you would have someone to talk to. But there aren't. Suck it up. I'm busy, because I do, as a matter of fact, have a job."
She stood tall. "Fine."
There were a mere number of inches between us. Her breath caught in her throat, and she pushed me away and left the kitchen.
I took a deep breath several times before I found the calmness I so desperately needed.
I spun around and straightened the chair.
Yes, I'd taken some stupid choices regarding Persephone. But that girl wanted to get here so desperately I wanted to help her. I was no omnipotent God who could control the universe. And thank Rhea for that.
I sat down, and Lucinda came back into the kitchen.
"What is it that's going on?" she asked timidly and sat down on Stella's now vacant chair.
I looked at my empty plate. Was now the time to spill what plagued me?
"I don't know," I admitted and looked at Lucinda. "There is something about Stella, and I can't place it. Persephone will be pissed if I show the least bit of positive emotions towards Stella, yet there is just that something about her. She can piss me off like no other."
Lucinda smiled. "Why don't you try and talk to her?"
"It doesn't seem to be working that well." I admitted.
Lucinda giggled like a schoolgirl.
I stood. "I'll go to bed. Thank you for dinner, it was delicious as always."
Lucinda smiled. "Sleep tight."
I nodded and left the kitchen.
When I reached the landing for Stella's room, I contemplated in forever before I gave up and went to bed.
A letter from Persephone waited when I got to my bedroom. Olympus matters.

RomanceStella, a teacher in her mid-twenties, is in a car accident which leaves her in a coma. She wakes up in the Underworld, where she meets Hades and his housekeeper, Lucinda. The castle is old, uninhabited, and letters, which aren't meant for Stella to...