Chapter 8

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I rush out of my bedroom door, hair a mess, pulling my sweater over my head as I go. I run to Greg's door, which is open, and rush in without a second thought, Greg is still asleep, his big eyes shut, curled up into a little ball. I have to shake him to wake him up, he has always been a heavy sleeper.

"Huh?" Greg mumbles sleepily

"Greg, Greg, hurry, get up! We're gonna be late!"

"Wirt..." He says, sitting up, then pausing to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"C'mon, Greg!!" I say, practically pulling him out of bed.

"Okay" he says, yawning.

"You get ready and I'll make us a quick breakfast, okay?"

"Sure." He says, starting to look awake.

"Good" I say, rushing out of Greg's room and back to mine. I grab my backpack and run downstairs. About seven minutes later, Greg comes bounding down the stairs, humming.

If Greg isn't talking or listening, then he's either singing or humming. Today's tune is clearly the Adelaide Parade song, so I join in, singing the chorus.

"To Adelaide, Adelaide! Come on and join the Adelaide parade! To Adelaide, to Adelaide! We're going to Adelaide's house today!" I sing as I wait for our toast to pop out of the toaster. Greg's comes first, since he doesn't like his burnt, and mine pops up a few moments later, just after I've finished buttering Greg's toast. I quickly spread some peanut butter on mine and then grab two napkins.

"Hurry up, Greg!" I say impatiently. To save time, I zip up his backpack while he ties his shoes. Then we're out the door, eating our toast as we fast-walk to school.


I walk in the door of my English classroom and sit down in a desk in the middle row. I'm early, the first one in the classroom. A few other people walk in and I greet them with a nod. Among them is a girl I don't recognize. New student maybe? Or not so new, I have been gone for a few days due to the flu, so maybe she's been here a for a while.

She sits down behind me, dropping her bag onto ground next to her desk. Just then I remember last night. Right before I fell asleep, the song. The song of the beast! I quickly grab a notebook from my backpack, and scribble down the song. It sends chills down my spine as it replays in my head, over and over, until my thoughts are interrupted by the bell...


Pst. Guys. I've got a tumblr, and it's ringingofthebell. Follow me maybe? (If you have tumblr)

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