Chapter 14

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I sit there, Greg and Wirt staring at me.

"So...uhh...that's it. That's the story" I say, almost in tears. Neither of them say anything, and just as I'm about to...oh I don't know what I would do...but either way, Gregory gets up and walks over to me, sits back down and hugs me.

"It's okay! We'll help you save your sister!" Greg says. It's strange, but I let him hug me. Wirt just stares, but his stare seems to have softened. Suddenly he stands up as well.

"Yeah, we will." Wirt says confidently. I stand up, Greg clinging to my leg.

"Thanks, but you don't have-" I'm interrupted by Greg calling out, "Back to the Unknown!" As loud as he possibly can. Wirt winces, but under that you can tell he's just a little excited.

"Okay, so we'll need some supplies, in case we get lost," Wirt says, motioning with hands, "and some-" Greg interrupts, again, "No, Brother o' mine, lets just go!" He detaches himself from my leg and runs for the wall. Wirt sighs, then follows his brother. I stand there for a moment, my brain trying to process everything that just happened, but soon I come to my senses and walk towards the wall.

Wirt boosts Greg up, then climbs up himself, and once he reaches the top he offers me a hand, even though I wouldn't need it normally, I feel so shaken right now that I take it.

Once all three of us are sitting at the top of the wall we don't speak, we don't even dare to look over the other side, we just watch the sun begin to set as. I can't stop thinking about Adel, now that I'm this close, I'm suddenly worried about all the things I could find in the Unknown. What if she's entirely become an Edelwood tree? What if I can't even find her? What if she's...dead? What if, what if, what if...

I can't stand to sit here and be consumed by my thoughts any longer. I turn to Wirt, "Lets go." I say, looking straight into his eyes.

"Yeah." He responds, then he turns to his brother, "Greg, lets go."


I'm really sorry about the quality and length of these chapters. I know I haven't been putting a lot of them up lately and I apologize for that, but I've been really busy and now I'm finally on winter break, but I won't be posting new chapters until this weekend at the earliest because of travel and holiday plans. I'm really trying to improve the quality of these chapters, I'm not too happy with them at present. But anyways, I'll see you guys later this week and Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanukah/ Kwanzaa/Holiday Break!! <3

- Livy xxx

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