Chapter 3

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"I'll make the sandwiches!" Greg said happily.

"I'll get the picnic supplies!!" I said, feeling the rare moment of joy overcome me.

I've been pretty miserable since that Halloween, the one that resulted in a hospital trip that lasted way too long. After I woke up in that place I just couldn't get over how different things were. I stayed in the hospital for about a month...and Greg was only there for a week. I didn't even go back to school until late December. But I'd rather not think about those things.

I ran downstairs to the basement to grab the picnic basket, humming as I went, then I ran up to my room grabbing the picnic blanket as well as out former Halloween costumes and packing them all in the basket. Before going back down to the kitchen I looked out my window, the sun was now much closer to the horizon.

"All these days of nothing spent in the endlessly dark white land, with no one but my thoughts to keep me sane" I mumbled to myself.

Then, picking up the basket I shuffled down the stairs, suddenly attempting to contain my spontaneous burst of excitement (and my smile).

"Get the sandwiches done?" I asked

"Mmhmm" Greg mumbled happily, mouth full of something, but nonetheless, holding up a few packages wrapped up in wax paper.

I held out the basket and he placed them inside, then picked up Jason Funderberker and we were out the door, locking it behind us.


I'm sorry if either of the boys is a bit out of character, but I'm very tired at present and concentrating is hard, also this is my first time with these characters. Thanks and constructive criticism is always welcome!!

Also, I take no credit or rights to the cover art, which was also created by Cartoon Network

~Goat xxx

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