Chapter 13

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A few minutes after Wren said she was trying to get back to the Unknown, we found ourselves sitting among the gravestones, Wren telling her story.

She explained that she and her sister, Adel, she called her, had fallen over the wall months before we had, and gotten lost. After about what Wren guessed to be a month, they had traveled through Potsfeild, spent some time at the tavern, stopped by Ms. Langtree's school and had several brief run-ins with the woodsman, but eventually they got so lost that they couldn't find anyone. Then Adel started to get sick. It started as just a cold, Wren said, but soon evolved into something more. Something so much more that she couldn't stay conscious for more that a few hours at a time. Wren didn't know what to do. She was scared, hungry and entirely lost. That's when she first heard the beast singing. Wren said she couldn't exactly recall what happened next.

"The next thing I knew I woke up on the forest floor, and Adel was gone. I panicked, I guess I got myself even more lost looking for her." She said, sighing, "I didn't find her for days. I was freaking out and about ready to give up hope...then I found her, all wrapped up in branches, practically growing into this weird tree." When she said this I pulled Greg a little closer to me, he had almost been an Edelwood himself... "I couldn't pull her free, I had no clue what was happening, I just wanted to go home. I couldn't leave her, but I had to get help. I stayed with her for almost a day, then I got too hungry, so I left. I found my way to the tavern, but after I got food there, I couldn't find her anymore." I was so caught up in Wren's story, I didn't realize that the sun was slowly sinking lower and lower in the sky. "Eventually I came across you and your brother, I was there when you got rid of the Beast. I'm still not sure what happened, though. I was kind of dazed, but when I was looking for Adel, I ended up, somehow, on the other side of the river, at the bottom of a hill, soaking wet. I walked up past the train tracks, and climbed back over the wall. I walked home, the lights were on, the door was unlocked and when I walked in my grandma ran up to hug me. I'd been missing for two months, there were posters of my and Adel's faces up everywhere in the neighborhood. I didn't tell anyone what happened, just some lie about the woods and falling asleep. Adel is still 'missing'..." Wren explained, sighing. "That's why...that's why I was going to the unknown."


I'm sorry for how short these chapters are and how irregularly they are updated, but I'm doing as much as I can, considering how busy/lazy i am XD

I still hope you are enjoying them though, I would love some advice or ideas on either one of the OTGW stories. Thanks!
-Livy xxx

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