My Father Married Me Away Part 2

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   Loretta's life was great during the time with  Bigmama and PawPaw.  Bigmama was a cook and opened a restaurant and a small store, it was more work for her but she was happy. She would go  with her sister Tina to open the place in the mornings and when Bigmama come they would leave for school. When school was out they go home, do homework and had to go to the store to work. They never asked for anything and was happy. Tina would make plates, slice meat on order, and Loretta would be on the register, and wait on people who came to buy items from the store. Bigmama would go home to cook for the family and leave them to close.  Loretta was so happy it felt like she was so independant, and life seemed routine. week-ends were half days on Saterdays, and Sundays were free except  being in church all day. Bigmama cooked at the church and the children ran free.  The best part on sunday was when Loretta and all the other children would pretend to be a one of the church members. Loretta was always Martha, she practiced her shout or (church dance), testamonies, and her walk at home all of the time. Bigmama and Pawpaw were singers and had Loretta and her brothers and sisters in a group called the Harmaning five. Loretta's father and his brothers were the King Brothers. The house was full of singers, and at practice time it was so great. As everyone grew and left home things would change.

   Alice the oldest was seeing the boy next door, and had gotten pregnant. Loretta's brother said they were going to have a shot gun wedding. Loretta and her brother sat waiting for their father to go get the shot gun and he never did. They were upset and went out side to play while the marrage was going on in the house. Loretta's aunt had lost her baby whose body was in the house. Slick ( the younger brothers' nickname) said they should sneek downstairs to look at it when everyone is sleep. As he started to raise the top of the coffin Loretta ran and got into bed covering her head. This is just a few things in life which was fun. But yet there also was time of tragedy for Loretta. during the fifties polio was one when it had put her in a wheel chair because she woke up and could not walk. Once the shots were given she was able to walk again.  Then there was a cold heater in the house, and Bigmama kept a pot of water on it to steam the house, she and her older brother were running around the heater and the water fell off hot scalding her legs all she could do was scream. The burns were so bad, and the doctors did not know much of how to treat the burn. They said Loretta would not maybe walk again and to take her home. Every morning the blisters would be so big on her legs and her father and Bigmama would burst them and put some kind of cream on them that would burn so bad.  Her brother got a whipping because he was the oldest and should have known better than to run around the cold stove.. But in the end Loretta was able to walk again after a while.  Time really bought on a change when bigmama got sick and passed away. It seemed as if everyone was gone except Loretta and her sister Tina, they had to be with their father who was not a very good provider.

   Loretta and Tina has to register themselves for school and was given ninty cents a day to eat. They decided to use it for all day by buying a suzy cue and an upper ten soda, half for lunch and the other half for dinner because her dad didn't cook. Loretta's father switched the heating  form cold to gas and burned down the house. He married  again and this woman could not cook. She would talk to herself, and  Bigmama who was not there.  this woman ran upstairs for a coat while the house was burning and fell down the stairs. Loretta was laughing and she call  Loretta crazy. So they moved into their uncles house who has six kids of his own. This was life with Dad. One Sunday Tina and Loretta was on the way to church and this car pulled up. There was two guys in the car. They asked if we wanted a ride, Tina said yes and got in so Loretta rode with them. Tina was older so she felt it was ok to ride. This was the meeting of what would be another change in Loretta's life. When church was over the two guys were waiting and Tina wanted to go to the one guys house. They stayed for a few hours and was taken home. They was always coming by the house. One evening Loretta's father asked if the one guy who he was, who was his mother,and to bring her by tomorrow so he could talk to her. Loretta heard the woman say you wont have to worry about her, and I will take care of her. He told the guy (baba ) if she gets out of hand bring her to me and I will whip her, don't you lay a hand on her. That week we were at the preacher's house and Loretta was being married. When it was over Loretta tried to leave with her father, but was told she had to go with them, and he left her with them. You ever see the color purple? well that was me. I wanted to be a nun or go into the service as a wax. Life was not so great, but She was taken care of. The price she paid was giving up on her dreams.

(poem ) Dreams

Dreams are made up from what we see, but does it mean its the way my life will be. They say when one door closes another will open, but that is not  true so you become blue. You began to wonder is this how it should be or can you change to what  life should be. Life is what you make it, this is what Im told but yet my dream remained untold. When you ask if you can enter you are told no by words so bold, you walk away wondering why life can be so cold. We must endure , and keep pushing on for this is how to remain strong. Dreams are changable this you must believe to keep your head held up high, for one day you will reach a part of the pie.



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