Married Five Times (continued)

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Loretta was finally happy with a man or so she thought. She was a housewife, and stayed at home. This in itself was hard for her because she had given up her independance.  She was solely dependant on this man. Everything was going well for at least a year or so. He began to change. She felt it was time for a change herself. Loretta was tired of asking him if she could go places, and for cloths. He never gave her money except to put in church. She could not viist her family unless he was there. She was not happy about that because she never had time for private talks with them, and he was always saying lets go. She felt like she was stuck in a rock and a hard place. She was tired of hearing his stories of being in the war, how he was hit with agent orange, how he was in trenches and a bomb going off, and how body parts drop all around. She was sorry for what he had went through. She felt more pitty for him then anyone she had ever been with. Things around the house was getting bad. So she decided to go back to work. She felt it would help her sanity to be from under him all of the time. He was not happy about that.

He had a very bad temper, he was alway fighting and lost his job for fighting. He jumped on a man for looking at his car, he was always coming to her job, and got into an altercation with her supervisor. She was told to tell him to stay away or she would be fired. This went on for a year and she was depressed. She came home from work and he had whipped her son. They got into a fight. He was trying to really break her neck. Loretta broke loose and ran out of the house, and asked a neighbor to call the police. She asked them to get her son out of the house. She left and went to her sister's house. He came over there, Loretta and her sister beat on him together. He said how sorry he was and they went home because of his tears. Did things get any better, yes but not for long.

Loretta was sittting at the counter in the house drinking coffee one morning, he came from the back bedroom and put his gun in her temple, saying, " I should kill you right now. You don't think  I don't remember you hitting me with your sister?". Loretta just said, "go ahead and shoot me, I don't care". She was tired of it all. She felt like it would be a way out. He just laughed saying," you crazy" and put the gun away. Loretta knew then she needed to figure away out. They moved to Indiana, and she became pregnant after three years and she was working. He would pick her up from work, but this one day he was not there, so she walked home. He was angry and pushed her down. Loretta fell on the front porch. The neighbor slammed her door shut. Loretta thought, she did not want to lose her baby, She would not fight back this time. She just got up, went into the house without a word. She remembered what her grandma always said," it takes two to argue".

Loretta was fine, her baby was fine so she was good. She went to work, and was told her husband came by. He told them she was going to have a baby. They did not have insurance to have her working there, and so she was let go. Loretta was hurt, and went home. He doctor order her to walk a mile a day  so she would walk to her husbands job, and ride back with him home. When she got to the job this one day, there was a woman sitting in the car. She jumped out and ran when she saw Loretta. Loretta yelled for her to come back, and the other guys on the job kept," saying oh man". She knew then that her husband was having other women. The funny thing was she did not care.  One night this woman came and ask for her husband and she went to tell him a woman was at the door for him. He would not go to the door. Loretta went back and told her he said he did not know her, and she left. Loretta called her father to come and pick her up, she was ready to move back home. She went back home alone.

   He came for the birth of the baby, and stayed. Things were no different. She could not stand life with him, they were fighting all of the time. She left and moved away with her baby. She never returned to him. She was finally free of him, because her husband had word with Loretta's brother, who he was afraid of, and stopped bothering her. Loretta stayed gone for over a year before returning back home. She got her old job back, was renting a back area of her sister's house, and had a car, so life was great again until she married her fith husband.

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