Kidnapped, and Held for Exploitation

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Loretta was doing well for a short minute. She was working, had a place to live , was able to care for her son, and had a man she loved. She  was feeling good about her life. Her oldest sister showed up one day. Loretta never found out how she knew where she lived, but there she was. She asked Loretta to come with her to our Uncles house who lived in Saint Louis, She asked her boyfriend if it would be ok. He told her to go, and have fun with her sister.  They rode the bus across the bridge, and walked to this big three story house. Loretta's son felt at home since there were seven children to keep him busy. Loretta thought her uncle and aunt was nice.  She began to feel at home too.

  The next day her sister asked Loretta to go with her to the store. It seemed to be far from the house. As they were walking this guy pulled up, and asked if  we wanted a ride. Loretta shook her head no, but her sister said yes, and that she was tired of walking. Loretta didn't want to leave her sister alone with a stranger, so she climbed in the back seat. He told them he needed to make a run real quick. He had come back with this box in his hand. Loretta was wondering what was he about to do. He asked what was her name and he put it on this strip of paper and took them to a place to cash a check. Loretta later found out it was a check machine.  Her sister gave him the money, but Loretta thought it was hers, and wanted for herself. Her sister told her to give it to him so he could take us shopping, and get our hair done. Loretta asked to go back to the uncles house, but they had one more stop to make, at a  friends house. Her sister and the guy said they were going to get some beer, and would be right back. They left and Loretta was sitting there waiting. She asked the guy to call them because she was ready to go.

  This man turned on her, and yelled bitch you aint going no where. You with me and thats, that. I asked why, and he shoved her in a room. Loretta was crying and told this guy she needed to get to her son, and back to her boyfriend. That was the wrong thing to say, he came into that room and began hitting her.  Loretta thought she was about to die. He said , " bitch you belong to me, and you will do what I say or I will beat you again. Three day she lay in that windowless room trying to figure a way out of this mess. One day he comes in and looks at Loretta's face, and  said ok, the swelling has gone down. He told her he was about to take her to buy cloths, and get her hair done. She thought what, I need to go home, but she was afraid to say anything. He said you will be working tonight. Loretta asked him what did he mean. He put Loretta in the car to show her a place where there were ladies walking back and forth. He said, " you see them, this is where you will be tonight to make me some money."  He said I won"t take money tonight, cause I needed to build up some clients, so what you do is pick up someone and bring them to my house so I can talk to them,  I am going to be your brother tonight, and make appointments for you,to see men." 

  Loretta said," no", got slapped, so she just shut up. He did take her to get her hair done and was on the way to buy her some cloths.  She saw the bus that she rode on to get Saint Louis. She thought as he goes into the curve of the street, he would not have time to grab her, and she will be able to jump out of the car. She wasn't thinking of a car hitting her or anything else but, catching that bus. Soon as he started the turn in the curve, she rolled out of his car onto the street. She fell and non-stop got up running. He didnt know which way she went, she got to the bus crying and asked the bus driver if can he take her to East Saint Louis, she had no money, and this guy was after her, she'd been locked away for three days, and he beat her up. The bus driver told her to get on, and squat down. As the bus was crossing the bridge to East Saint Louis, she looked at herself, and she was bleeding on her knees, and arms . She did not care, she was free . She got home and her boyfriend was there asking what happened. She told him, but she had no idea how to show him where this guy lived. Her boy friend had guns on the bed, and she did not ask him what he was into. She just went, cleaned herself up, and went to bed. Happy to be home.

  Loretta's boyfriend went and got his uncle to take her to get her son. She was shaking so bad going back across that bridge, but her boyfriend was a good comforter. They got her son and went home. One day Loretta was walking down the hall, her boyfriend and his uncle were the cleaning guns in her aparetment. She was going to visit the lady down the hall. She always walked with her head down. When she got to the stairs she say these shoes, and knew it was him, that guy found her. To this day she don't know how. She looked up real slow and as she made it to his face He said, bitch you know im fixing to kill you". Think, think is all Loretta could do, she quickly said hold on follow me to mt apartment so we can talk. He fell for it and followed her. When he got to the door he stopped, Loretta ran to her boyfriend yelling, thats him, Thats, him, and he said he was going to kill me. The guy was running awat this time. Her boyfriend grab a gun and all she heard was shots. To this day she had no idea if he was hit with a bullet, but one thing for sure he never came back.

Pome "Fear"

  Fear can come at any time, it will some how make you lose your, you will fill as if your life is done. but you must shake those thoughts for no one has won. You must fight and, always think for way to be free. Some will make it , and some may not, just don't give up this is no  doubt. You will have peace, some day, some kind of way. Keep your thoughts on being one day free, you will, you can, and please do not sway, one day you will see there is away.

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