CHAPTER 3.| ALPHA Tell me things that you've done.
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"You have to go!" Arsyn yelled towards him, taking out the men that were coming their way "Not without you!"
She pulled her partner back making a run for it, their only chance of escaping was to leave the area "We can't let them have the chance of catching us then" Arsyn implies while taking cover behind a wall.
"Us against them? There's no chance" He told her, she knew it was defeat, was this how it ended?
"I'm not letting us die" She stared up at him, grabbing hold of each other's hands hearing them come closer "Get ready— you take the left, I'll take the right" He nodded listening to her orders.
She held her blaster close, she gave the clear as the two make their way towards the chaos. The further they entered the closer they were at the breach.
"Ekon, the door" She gestures towards their exit "I'll cover you"
She takes out her war balde deflecting a more of the blast, she uses both sides leaving men lying dead.
Ekon hacked into the key card system, changing codes tricking them. Arsyn grunted killing the remaining one, a pile of them came running down the hall coming left and right.
Ekon removed the hacked card following his leader. Arsyn saw the door straight ahead, looking back she saw Ekon get hit making her stop, she shot back moving him away.
He groaned, Ekon wasn't finished just yet, lifting himself and inserting the card in opening the doors to the outside, Arsyn walked back keeping her fire.
"I'm sorry, Alpha" he apologized, harshly kicking her out of the building, she faced him in shock.
Time felt trapped seeing him send her one last smile, then the doors closed.
"No!" She pushed herself towards the closed door slamming her fists onto it "EKON!—NO, NO, NO!" And gave it one last slam.
That day only brought her misery, it was a reminder on why she didn't get attached to things, why it was one of the main reasons she had left. That place only brought her sorrow.
Arsyn stared at the photograph that was attached to the papers, pulling it off its clip staring back at it, the smirk on his face showed the ambition, he was never afraid and she looked up to that, she was the Alpha but he was the true leader of the pack.