CHAPTER 35.| I PROMISE I walked through fire to save my life
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Everyone prepared once they landed. Arsyn didn't know how to take in that she was going to come face-to-face with Talía. During the time of the controversy, Shaye had created a plan that Talía and her would meet later.
It was a risk but definitely believable. They would state that Arsyn had gone her own way. She had done it to many others, who's to say she wouldn't do it again. The plan was that Arsyn, Shaye, And IG-11 would stay with the crest while the rest headed towards Nevarro upon Blurrg.
Din agreed to have him only focus on the child's safety. If Arsyn was aboard the crest she could easily escape if things didn't go as planned.
The hatch opened as Arsyn and Shaye stood side-by-side being followed by Sabin and the others as they sat upon the blurrgs. They met halfway keeping the distance. Arsyn had her cold demeanor as she stared at the bounty hunters but mostly at Greef Karga.
"Sorry for the remote rendezvous, Mando, but things have gotten complicated since you were last here."Karga greeted seeing the formation they stood. Arsyn stood in-between Din and Cara's blurrg having the child's pod right behind her.
Sabin stood in between Din and Kuiil as Shaye stood lastly at the end. They looked like an incredible force that no sane person she passes the crossfire.
"It appears that introductions are in order. It seems we've both provided a security detail." He refers to scanning everyone "I recommend the shock trooper guards the ship. These lava fields are lousy with Jawas."
"She's coming with me." Din defends, it wasn't an option that Karga had control over.
"But the town is now run by ex-Empire. If a Rebel Dropper is with us, they'll all get their hackles up."
"She's coming." With that Greef Karga had no other choice but to agree. "At least cover your tattoo. No need to flaunt it."
"Now, where is the little one?" He asked. The pod moved passed Arsyn as Sabin stepped up standing beside the pod protectively. The hatch opened revealing the child, Karga was surprised to see the adorable creature.
He reached to lift him up but couldn't get the chance as Sabin snarled at him making his hands retreat back to his side.
"So, this little bogwing is what all the fuss was about. What a precious little creature. I can see why you didn't want to harm a hair on its wrinkled little head." He examined, Din closed the doors and let it come back besides them.