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The team entered the ship, careful of the droids. Their weapons are drawn and ready for anything that comes in their way.
Arsyn adjusted the scarf a bit after placing it back on, keeping her hand on the hilt of the sword. She didn't know if it was the right idea to even be using them but at the moment she couldn't care less.
Zero—who remained inside the crest was their eyes throughout the job. Giving them the all clear to approach the control room.
"All right, we're on the clock.When we engage those droids, they're gonna be all over us." Mayfeld explains taking the lead.
"I know the drill." Din began walking off in the front, the place was bright; all white walls and lights. Arsyn remained in the back of the squad keeping eyes in the back in case of anything.
"I don't like this." Din commented, taking a look at the bright place, where prisoners reached out towards them.
"You always were paranoid." Xi'an recalled. Arsyn rolled her eyes getting annoyed of having to hear their memories.
"Is that true, Mando? Were you always paranoid?" Mayfeld mocks Xi'an, feeling the exact way Arsyn felt.
The further they walked the more criminals they crossed that groaned and banged on the cell doors. As much as she tried to maintain her curiosity she couldn't help but glance at a few.
She saw Din fall behind his step reaching her spot. He stopped her from getting any further. "We're here to do a mission, Din. Not talk" She was about to move but he hauled her back
"It wasn't my intention, I didn't think she would be here." Din tried to reason.
"Then why do you let her do the things she's doing? Maybe you don't see it but I do." Arsyn couldn't look at him and when she did her eyes would sparkle trying to fight everything. Her emotions were eating at her, and her powers felt like they were in override.
"I don't care about her, I care about you." Arsyn sighed "I get that you two were close and whatever, and I have no right to be acting the way I am. It's just that— I can't deal with it."
"Nothing happened. I will always choose you." Their conversation was cut short as the sound of blast came from beyond the corner.
They made their way seeing tiny bits of a monitor droid destroyed. It didn't take long for the group of droids to round out the corner making everyone take cover.
Din tugged her around the corridors taking the chance to sneak behind the droids, Arsyn watched him go first having a clear visual of the rest of the group.