CHAPTER 7.| STAR MOMENTS And our cup to the Stars.
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In all those hours Arysn never spoke. She kept her distance trailing behind. But in other words she would whisper things to the child. She did love hearing the sounds he made.
She pulled off her bracelet handing it to the child who would become invested in it.
When they came to a sudden halt, Arysn looked behind her finally having the feeling of being followed.
The Mandalorian and the assassin stood back-to-back. In a quick motion they were under attack by trandoshan.
Arsyn was quick enough to pull out her warbalde holding it back seeing the tracking fob blink. She growled and pushed him back having enough time to move the pod.
Connecting her blades she turned the blades changing its setting into a shock staff. Whenever she twisted and turned around it seemed to surround her.
Arysn took down her two facing her final victim. She was shoved making her lose her balance. She grunts and swung her blade decapitating him.
A blast caught her attention seeing the monster disintegrating. She panted lowering her arm following the sound of the tracking fob beep below the child.
The Mandalorian looked her way. It felt like he was giving her a pointed look, almost like I told you so.
She faced away almost in defeat. He was right. But it didn't mean that what he was doing was okay. It was wrong.
As daylight turned into the night, they settled down having to patch up a few cuts. Arsyn's back faced the Mandalorian as she played with her bracelet.
The grunts of the bounty hunter were the only sounds in the night. She didn't bother to aid him, it was clear that she had stepped on his last nerve. And didn't want anything to do with her at that moment.
She heard him walk making her shift seeing him place the child back in its pod. She was confused as to how she didn't catch it, was she too deep in thought or was the child that silent?
Arsyn laid down keeping her view at the stars. She let out a relaxed breath. No matter how many times she's seen the stars, planet or ship, she was never bored of it.
The stars reminded her of her mother. The stories she told her a child. Mostly the moments they shared on their roof. The three of them just connect them and make random figures.
A single tear fell making her close her eyes trying to calm herself. A coo beside her makes her reopen them seeing the child stand close to her face watching her as it shined her a smile.
She lifted her hand stoking it's long ear. Arsyn was gentle with her touch, she always had a soft spot for kids, it was the one thing that wasn't corrupted.
The Mandalorian watched the interaction. The child seemed comfortable towards the assassin. He noticed how protective she became within the last few hours, but seeing how gentle she was towards it, it showed what was truly under her facade.
He didn't want to turn the child over. But he would be placing both in danger if he didn't. Everyone held high expectations of him because he exceeded them every time he was given something.
He saw both of them now fully asleep holding onto each other. This was going to be a problem, she was getting too attached and that would only cause him trouble, and trouble would only hold him back.
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The trip back to the crest was exhausting. It was tense and mostly quiet. The sun gleamed behind the trio guiding them through their journey.
Once they reached the mountain view, Arsyn stopped seeing a bunch of sand people ransack the ship.
The Mandalorian pulled off his rifle and disintegrated a few Jawas. They started evacuating, making the hunter succeed in scaring the Jawas away from the Razor Crest. But they still had valuable, necessary parts of it in their possession.
The Mandalorian broke off into a sprint chasing them down. Arsyn walked casually down the rocks not giving a damn. What was the point he clearly has this covered.
In that split second the pod containing the child shot away from Arsyn in pursuit of the Mandalorian.
"You gotta be kidding me" She raced after it.
She watched as the Mandalorian started to climb up the sandcrawler, seemingly set on killing a bunch of the tiny sand people.
They tossed a bunch of objects hoping to knock him down. Arsyn kept her weapons back not bothering to help him succeed.
An electrical shock finally hit the Mandalorian hard enough to knock him off the sandcrawler. He hit the ground pretty hard. She and the pod caught up and she knelt next to him.
"Are you crazy!" Arsyn scolded. She shook him seeing no reaction. She faced the child seeing his big eyes glued to the unconscious Mandalorian.
She sighed. "Please don't be dead" She titled his head up placing two fingers on his covered throat searching for a beat.
Arsyn gave out a sigh of relief. She stared down at him and slowly placed her hands on his helmet. She felt her heart race, she stared through his vizor and moved away.
She sat back hearing the child. He titled his head. "I wasn't going to do it." She said pointedly. The child cooed in response. "It's disrespectful"
The child laughed, making her smile. Her gaze returned back to the unconscious bounty hunter. "You definitely owe me for this" She hauled him up, groaning at his weight.
As soon as she took a step he started to lean "No, no, no" she caught him in time before he hit the ground.
"Ugh—I have a better idea" She used her abilities keeping him up and walked as he followed behind her. The journey ahead was a long one.
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Authors Note: It's my birthday today I'm officially Seventeen. 💫