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Show humility to those who lost it.

| THE BARGAINShow humility to those who lost it

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The day was filled with assistance. Arsyn and the child accompanied Kuiil in a trip of retrieving supplies to fix his towers. While the Mandalorian rested inside.

Arsyn had checked up on him. She was still angry towards him but it didn't mean she was going to leave him for dead. Not like she could afford a way of the place without his help.

The Mandalorian groaned feeling his body stiff whenever he moved a single inch. He took noticed of his surroundings and realized they weren't in the open sun.

He forced himself up in wonder, where was he? Where was the asset? But mostly, where was Alpha?

The questions in his head were soon answered seeing the women enter.

"Thought you'd be out much longer" She stayed by the entrance.

"Where are we?" He asked. He took a good study of the place finally noticing were he truly was. "Where's the kid?"

"Outside. And before you freak, he's safe" She moved over and placed a bowl in front of him "Eat. Drink. And when you're done, come out"

He took note of her tone. She wasn't so pleased with him at the moment. She seemed to have changed back into stone. when he told her what had to be done and the consequences that came with it.

Arsyn stood outside the hut. She gave Kuiil his tools while the child chased around a frog who jumped circles around him.

"It seemed like you two had quite the journey" Kuiil kept the conversation going. Arsyn sighed "Things do go down pretty fast. I just want to know what makes him so important"

She glances at the child who was oblivious of everything. "All my years, I've made promises to never place anyone innocents at risk"

"What makes you think it's innocent?" Kuiil asks. Arsyn didn't know if it was innocent, the child didn't seem like it meant any harm. Then again looks can be deceiving. Even then she felt an attachment towards him, and it made her trust it.

"I don't know what to think" She lies as it gracefully slipped through her lips. She didn't know how to explain the feeling and she didn't want to risk on what she spills.

"You and the Mandalorian have to turn him over" Kuiil states. He took note on how she acted towards the child into the last few hours they remained there. It wasn't going to be easy, women were born with having a motherly instinct, they were stubborn but mostly they weren't heartless.

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