CHAPTER 39.| TOGETHER If you wanna leave I'm ready
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The sewers were like a maze. They slowly moved through them. The male Nysn; Gavriel. Kept Shaye up as they had taken care of the chip within the sixth-star marking.
"I can walk." Din pulled away from Cara who held him up. Arsyn had maintained her distance not wanting to intrude into his personal space. Even if he was as good as dead half an hour ago. She didn't want to be all over him.
Din's hand slipped into hers and squeezed. He checked for prints trying to find the passageway. "We're close. Turn here." He ushered. The last time she had seen any of the Mandalorians they had saved their lives, and now they needed their help once again.
Din stopped short for some reason. He seemed frozen. Arsyn looks up at him from behind and then steps to the side to see around him. She stilled.
In front of Din, in the center of the room, is a pile of helmets. Broken and left behind, only showing the remembrance of what once was. Din steps up to it and picks up one of the helmets, gazing down into its visor.
How could they—They killed them.
"Did you know about this? Is this the work of your bounty hunters?" Din's voice changed, he was angry and he had every right to be, his people were gone and the only thing that remained was their helmets.
"No. When you left the system and took the prize, the fighting ended and the hunters just melted away. You know how it is. They're mercenaries. They're not zealots." Karga sorted out. It makes sense. If he knew, why would he have followed them? And the bounty hunters didn't do it. They didn't owe anything to anyone. Unless they were paid to do it.
Din dropped the helmet facing Gavriel since he had been working for Talía and Gideon."Did you do this?! Did you?"
"- No!" Gavriel backed away. Who still held onto Shaye who groaned with the movement.
"This was not his fault." A feminine modulated voice cleared "We revealed ourselves. We knew what could happen if we left the covert. The Imperials arrived shortly thereafter. This is what resulted." Din swiveled to face the Armorer. "We were warned."
Arsyn tilts her head. Warned by who?
"But no one was prepared by how many soldiers they had." Another voice followed from behind the armorer. He stood tall, weapons in place with a buzz cut.
"Lanús." The assassin called out.
"Hey, Red." She couldn't believe it, stepping over she gave him an embrace. It certainly had been a long time coming. They pulled apart as Din stood much closer to her making the Armorer notice his action of protection.