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Arvala-7 was a place she admired, even if it was nothing but the heat and sand. It was where everything started. She broke down most of the barriers to make Din choose the right thing for the child.
Or especially the moment the child and her saved Din's life from the mudhorn. Everything was coming full circle and it just showed her how much has changed for all three of them. She rather enjoyed the moments here, than Sorgan.
Kuill knew them being there could only mean they were in some kind of trouble. He noticed how different they looked from the last time he had seen them. The Mandalorian walked next to Arsyn, rather than in front of her. She wasn't trailing behind in silence with the face of intimidation.
But what caught his eye is that they had brought company. Capable company, which reinforced Kuill's idea that something was indeed wrong.
They introduced their friends towards Kuill who took notice of Cara. Mainly of her past. Everything happened so fast, everyone stood in a defensive stance around the child seeing the IG unit walk in casually.
Arsyn held her hands up with a scarlet glow, Besides Din who held up his blaster. Along with Cara who held up her own, Shaye lifted her blue Narelis sword as Sabin stood in front covering the child in a low stance ready to pounce.
Kuill tried to ease the situation explaining his actions in why IG-11 was alive and around. Arsyn lowered her hands making everyone do the same.
"Is it still a hunter?" Din questions keeping his gaze on it.
"No. But it will protect." At that, the assassin rested her case. Why would Kuiil lie to them?
"If he's been reprogrammed then how dangerous can it be?" She explained clasping her hand in his and leaned her head against his plated shoulder. She felt the coldness on her warm face.
"You know I don't trust droids. Especially that one." Din points out, he did kill him once and here he stood serving them tea like nothing happened.
"I get that. And I know it's not comforting, But we need as much back-up as we can get." Arsyn tells Din.
Who later than convinced Kuill to join them on their mission. It was no easy task. Kuill had few requests of his own, making a deal that IG-11 would come along with him, even the blurrgs that he owned.
The ship was filled with everyone they could get a hold off. Arsyn and Shaye conversed while they were on their way to the next. "Have you named him?"