CHAPTER 17.| SCARLET I got my mind full of unsaid things.
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The assassin watched as Omera took the children to the safe house in the back and away from the battlefield. She saw how they laughed and were in comfort with her.
She should feel relieved that the child was safe with the others, but all she felt was a tang of pain. It felt like everyone was moving on and no one actually needed her at the moment.
Which was ridiculous considering what they were about to get themselves into was more her category. But she couldn't help but feel alone in this.
The assassin ordered everyone to get in their positions. She warned them to be ready in case everything goes south. She tried to motivate them but she was pretty dim at the moment.
Arsyn waited in the trench in silence, leaning back against the mud wall. Her stony expression kept anyone from interrupting her thoughts. She placed her hair up revealing the now healed mark.
What was going on with her? Why was she so bothered by Omera? Mostly why was she breaking her own code; don't get attached! She was breaking the character she had built and all for what? For someone who didn't give two shits about her.
If only it were that simple. But things were changing for them, and it made her bitter. She had spent time with others and the children but her and the Mandalorians new found friendship was being shot down.
She cared about him, wanted to be around him, he was probably the only person in the world who cared about her. Ekon was the last who she ever had been entirely close too, in more ways than one.
Maybe it was just fear. She was afraid of losing him like she did with Ekon cycles ago. She even admitted it back in the desert. That had to be it. It made the most sense.
The Mandalorian and Cara burst from the tree-line across the to-be battlefield, and through the palisade. She heard Cara's yell that the walker was on its way.
From that point on, it was easy to focus on the enemy. They all trained their blasters on the AT-ST, which clumbered through the undergrowth and into the edge of the village.
It was drawn to their fire and was walking towards the nearest hatchery. It was going exactly to plan. Just a little further. And it would be all over.
Arsyn watched from her positions how the AT- ST had stopped not reaching the water. "This isn't going to work" She mumbled.
It shined a bright light scanning the area. She lowered herself "Get down." She gritted towards the others trying not to be spotted.
It shot her way and a house behind Arsyn exploded. She could feel the heat on her back and turned to see the building engulfed in a ball of flame.
"Don't abandon your post!" Arsyn ordered keeping herself with the others. The yells of war came in as the Klatooinians made a not-so-subtle entrance.
That was when the village opened fire. Arsyn blasted most of them but they were all coming to close. Replacing her blaster with her waeblades as she led the group "Come on!"
Arsyn spotted one headed to the back. She disconnected her sword aiming for its back, it had impaled him not letting him reach were the children were hidden.
The assassin turned to look around having caught sight of Cara running toward the AT-ST. 'What the hell is she doing?' Cara jumped into the krill hatchery, the machine was maybe a foot away from stepping into it, the Mandalorian covering her from the palisade.
He was right out in the open, the easiest, most obvious shot for all the Klatooinians. She shook her head and left her post "No more deaths"
"I can do this. . ." she encouraged herself, Arsyn lifted her hands seeing them glow a bright red, the area around lit up, she focused all her attention on the walker.
"Cara! Move!" She yelled seeing her friend step out the water, Arsyn gritted her teeth. Pulling the walker towards her, her stance lowering as her knee was lightly touching the soil. She felt the pulse of energy expanded around her.
She groaned and slammed her hands down bringing the walker into the water. Arsyn pushes herself up and started to walk forward. The energy in her palms stayed, and the determination felt.
She broke the entrance spotting the klatooinian. Arsyn lifted her hand and pulled the monster towards her, his feet dangling as his eyes met her red ones "You don't want any of this. Leave and never return" she tossed him aside letting the others retreat away from the village, witnessing the assassins aura.
Arsyn watched every single one leave and turned her attention to her surroundings most were relieved but others kept their eyes on her. She faced the Mandalorian seeing him stare at her.
She quickly changed back. The scarlet glow finally calming down leaving the place dark. What had she done? She hadn't noticed how Cara began to approach, seeing her almost stilled. She was asking her things; are you okay, are you hurt? But her ears were ringing.
Arsyn started to back away feeling her eyes water, she tried blinking them away but everything felt too overwhelming. So she did what her mind was telling her; run.