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The feeling of having is heavy.

| THE SIXTH STAR The feeling of having is heavy

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Arsyn sat outside, it was calming. The sounds of nature filled her senses, but every-time she was too concentrated she felt that presence from the pub.

It was almost like a calling, like it wanted her to go find it. Her eyes scanned the area seeing something gleam straight ahead, she squinted her eyes seeing it dangle on a tree branch.

She slowly pushed herself up keeping her eyes on it. 'What if it was a trap?' She let out a breath and walked over taking in her surroundings as she reached out for it.

She ripped it off the branch. It was a medallion having a star in the middle. She stared at it feeling her heart race 'Was this some kind of joke?"

The sound of a branch snapping made her react, she faced the sound seeing a figure run, wasting no time she chase after them, dodging fallen trees and other obstacles.

She slid to a halt and looked around frantically. "Shows yourself!" She commanded but there was no one there. It was definitely the energy she had felt in pub and now it had followed her back to where they were staying.

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

Arsyn and the child remained inside the crest as she tried to put him to sleep. But today was just making her head feel overwhelmed, Cara had considered them a family. Which she couldn't deny, but in a non-romantic way, they were just protectors.

And now to add to her plate someone was watching them, and all she had was the feeling. The medallion she took meant something to that stalker and now it felt like it should mean something to her if they decided leave it behind.

The assassin heard distant voices making her exit the cot leaving the sleeping child behind. "—We have money."

"What's going on?" Arsyn steps out of the ship, observing the two men who looked like hell from the travel they took from getting to them. One of them stepped forward.

"Ma'am, our village, It's been terrorized by raiders, we're asking permission if your husband can help us?" Arsyn stilled 'My What?!' She felt like a fish without water this was definitely the most awkward trip she had ever been on.

"Well—that's uh, up to him." She choked out and turned to face her suppose husband "I think we should consider it" She lead on thinking about her little encounter she had.

The Mandalorian hesitated. The main point of coming to Sorgan was to lay low for as long as they could but Arsyn thought that they could be safe from whoever was following them.

The ride to the village was slow, but the feel of the soft bumps from below lured her to sleep, she had in her instinct to lean against the Mandalorian who watched, almost unknowingly on what to do, instead he tried to relax his tense body.

This was the first time they had actually been this close and he didn't know how to react, he gently placed his arm around her not knowing if that was the right thing. The child cuddled onto his other side making him trapped in between the two.

This was definitely something he hadn't had in a long time. It felt so right but he knew getting too attached could bring more danger to them, or mostly too him.

The Mandalorian laid his head back staring at the stars before shutting his eyes keeping his arms wrapped around the two.

Cara had silently watched the whole interaction. She knew the two had rough past, and this was a barrier the two needed to break down.

The only way the two would heal from their wounds was to let the other in. But the two were held up by their pride that they were blinded and couldn't see what was right in front of them. They will fall hard.

The wagon stopped making Arsyn jump. She pushed herself up pushing the hair away from face. A groups of kids came running towards them making Arsyn smile.

"Well, looks like they're happy to see us." Cara points out also in a good mood. Unloading the speeder, Arsyn places the child on the ground making the children giggle seeing how small he was.

The trio make their way towards the barn. She made sure to keep her pace steady making sure the child wasn't far behind. A women was inside pulling up the blinds letting light illuminate the barn.

"Please come in. I hope this is comfortable for you." Arsyn glances at the room noticing the small space but mostly the one bed that was straight ahead.

"There's only one bed."

"Oh, I'm sorry I was under the impression that you two were together" The two villagers must have told them about it. I should've said something! "Oh- were not together"

"I'm sorry, I could—"

"—This will do fine." Arsyn stares at the Mandalorian, this was definitely going to make things harder for her, her mind was already holding too much.

"I'm going to get some air" She steps out and walks a few meters from the barn, she watched them work and play around, it was filled with life that seemed unbothered but they hired them to take out the threat, but the greater thing was no one knew her, and it felt like a relief.

"Hey, you alright?" Arsyn looked over seeing Cara come over taking a stand beside her. "Honestly. I don't know"

"By the looks of it, you have a lot on your mind" Cara observes. The alpha looked worn out, maybe from the late nights to the traveling.

"I can't stop overthinking things. I don't even know why I am. It's stupid." Arsyn let out in frustration, today was full of repeats and the term of family and child replayed over and over to the point she wanted to shut down and ignore the whole place.

Cara figures out much just by her tone "Why is that bothering you so much?"

"Because the last time I had something like that, I left, they weren't safe with me. Everyone I've come to know and care for—I lose"

"And you don't want to lose again"

"I'm just so tired of it."

"Well, Alpha. Maybe it's time to take a chance and not run out on this one" Cara advices before walking away.

The Mandalorian stood by the door dropping his head hearing their conversation, she was having a hard time adjusting with them, Maybe she needed some space. but he couldn't believe it. She seemed alright around them, she joked and protected them.

It even felt like she broke down barriers just for them to get along. Maybe even for the child sake but hearing her confess about the losses she had witnessed made him understand her more as just a regular person.

But now here he stood, listening to the fears that she had given to a person they had just met, then again Cara wasn't the type to go around the bush, and Arsyn seemed used to it.

She needs more time. And he was willing to give it to her, no more than ever having a village of people could help get her mind off things.

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