Chapter 29: The Doll That Never Smiled

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*Mikazuki's POV*

That day when I saw her with the knife, I was told by the Hoshikage to watch after Hibiki. I followed her and Sensei into that restraunt that Hibiki would often go to and stared at them from across the room. The weird thing was, no matter how hard I listened their voices just sounded like mumbles.

I knew something was wrong when Hibiki stood up.

She ran out of the place, and I struggled to keep up with her. Speed was one of my weak points, as was hers.

I noticed then that people gave her weird looks as she ran by. Not just a look of curiosity, but one of utter disgust. It fascinated me.

Then again, she had always fascinated me.


I stared at the girl with curiosity and fascination. Her hair was as black as night and both of her eyes were a deep blue onyx. She was staring at the ground with a blank and emotionless expression. It was as if she was a small doll that never smiled.

Beside her was a man dressed in purple robes. He had to be the Hoshikage.

"Hey, Mikazuki!" I looked over at Sumaru with wide eyes. He had been my friend since we were born. Our parents were close.

"Shh! Be quiet, Sumaru!" I put a finger up to my lips and turned to look back at the girl and the Hoshikage.

"What are you looking at?" He moved beside me and followed my eyes to see where the girl was standing.

"Oh, it's that girl." He stared intently at her and shook his head. "Mom and Dad told me to stay away from her."

"Why?" I refused to take my eyes off of her.

"I heard that she is some type of successful experiment."

"But that's impossible, right?"

"I dont know." He shrugged his shoulders with a small frown. "Just think about it. No one has ever seen her until now and you know that no one is granted passage into the village. Even children. They could be enemies trying to take our star."

I took my eyes off of the girl for a second to look at him. "I guess that makes since, but what would they need a girl for? She doesn't look like an experiment to me."

"Who knows? I just know that I'm supposed to stay away from her. I'm guessing it's the same deal with others. Everyone seems unsettled by her presence."

I turned back to her and gasped a little. Tears were rolling down her face as she stared up at the Hoshikage. He pat her on the head and I watched as his eyes crinkled into a small smile.

Tears continued to roll down her cheeks, but the emotionless look reappeared on her face.


I cursed under my breath. "Lost her..."

I ran as fast as I could and looked around for her familiar white hair. Putting chakra to my feet, I jumped up onto the roof of a building and searched.

I spotted her as the door to the Hoshikage's headquarters closed behind her.

I ran quickly and swung open the door. She went through another door and I walked forward.

I heard several clashes in the room then a wail. Slamming open the door, I spotted her with a knife pointed towards her heart.

"Stop!" I yelled.


"Hibiki Tsukino is dead."

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