accident | 1

72 5 2




Here goes by another morning of taking pictures.
The sun is shining all over my face, there are few light breezes and the golden sunflowers are smiling. It's the perfect day for taking pictures of this beautiful scenery.

I took a few more pictures, but on one of them I captured a person passing by.

//I better delete this now before I forget//

I looked down on the screen and pressed the small buttons with my fingers, searching for that one picture.

After finding it I stopped and zoomed in the passerby.

//That girl, she looks gorgeous//

I only captured her side profile, but it's enough for me to imagine her whole face.
She has wide round doll eyes. A cute little nose, plump soft pink lips and beautiful, thin long dyed strawberry brown hair flying through the wind.

She's short and was riding a bike.

I quickly looked up checking if she still was there, but at last, she already drove away.

With every second passing by I started to ask myself if I should really delete this picture.
On one hand, it's hella creepy and it's against the laws.
But on the other hand, I'm not posting it anywhere nor will I do anything with it except maybe looking at it.

((Don't think dirty would ya?))

The decision was made: I'm keeping the picture, under one condition, I'll have to meet her.

With that promise made I decided on going here everyday, hoping I'll see her again someday.

I checked the time and noticed it was time to go. My classes would start soon. I'm taking classes in photography and singing.
My major is photography and my minor class is singing. It's my third year in college.

While I was searching for my car I constantly checked the clock, it was 9:37 am.
I still got 23 minutes until my first class starts and I need 7 minutes to get to college. Great, that means I have 16 minutes spare time!

-At college-

//14 minutes left, what should I do?//

I got out of the car, put in my earphones and listened to some music and went for a little walk. I watched the clouds moving slowly and enjoyed the moment.

A few minutes passed by and I already head in to my first class of the day. The class needed 2 hours, after that I got a 45 minutes break since another class got canceled.
I planned out my day while I was searching for a good seat in the middle.

I didn't want to take a seat too near from the teacher or too far away.
If I was too near he could most likely see me not paying attention and point me out.
If I was too far away I wouldn't hear anything and just doze off.
In the middle I can listen to him whenever i wanted to and whenever i didn't wanted to.

The 2 hours actually passed by really fast and I'm now sitting at star bucks enjoying my coffee and scrolling through Instagram.

"(kxx.tae) You got a new message from namjx.xn"

I opened the message:

I opened the message:

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