new friends pt. 2 | 3

30 3 2

I was chasing after her, we both were laughing. Around us were golden sunflowers smiling towards us, the sun had a golden light to it and the sky was beautifully blue.
She was wearing a plain white dress and I was wearing a white t-shirt with light blue jeans.

She started to run faster.

"Hey, come back!", I screamed after her smiling.

She didn't answer, nor did she look back.
I tried to run faster but I couldn't move forward.
I reached out my hand.

"Hey, please wait for-", but before I could finish my sentence the ground was starting to break into small pieces. The lively park wasn't there anymore. Everything was black and I, I was all alone. The "endless space" began to shrunk smaller and smaller, mentally panicking me with every second passing by. I hold my breath trying not to panic.

I was about to scrunch myself together and cry when a soft voice was going trough my head,
"don't cry, Taehyung.", the way she said my name, I loved it. A warm light appeared from above and the place got bigger again. I took a deep breath and tried to get myself together.

"We'll-", the voice wanted to continue.


I opened my eyes, I wanted to b u r n that alarm clock so badly.

Great start in the day, isn't it?

I groaned pissed and stood up.
I did my morning routine and checked if any classes got canceled, sadly there wasn't.
But my first class would start at 1 pm and my day would end at 8 pm.

"Morning Tae! When do your classes finish? :))"

Jimin texted me, we exchanged numbers and Instagram names before we left yesterday.

I opened the chat.

-Morning, at 8 pm

"Wanna meet after that? My classes finish at 7 pm"

-yeah sure :]


That was the end of our little conversation.
It was time for going to the park again, I made myself a smoothie so I could drink it while going.

-at the park-

I started walking on the thin path again, but this time facing the other direction.
I saw a biker driving towards me. It was her.

She stopped and laughed.
"You again?", she started, slightly tilting her head to her right.

"Mh, yeah.", I chuckled and scratched my head.

"Is there any reason you're stopping me again?", she then asked.

"Uhm, well, I, I wanted to apologize again."

"Apologize? For yesterday? Ah that was no big deal!", she explained.

"Yeah, but I still feel sorry."

"As I said it's Fine", she smiled.

//her smile is so cute//

"O-Okay", I looked down.

"Bye then! If I don't get going now then I'll be late for college", she smiled and sharply made a goodbye wave with two fingers, looking like a gun.

//she's so cute and cool//

"Bye", I widely smiled and waved goodbye.

I stood there until I couldn't see her anymore.

//college, huh?//

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