dizzy | 9

14 4 2

//what's his problem?//

He leaned into me, licking over his lips, having lust written in his eyes.
There were about less than an inch apart us, the atmosphere was really tense. My breathing got faster and in the inside I was feeling steaming hot.

Everything was like moving in slow motion, Jungkook's, his arms wrapping around my neck, his head tilting to the side, him stepping nearer.

"You understood me, baby?", he whispered in my ear.

I gulped and slowly nodded.


"Good boy.", he groaned and softly nibbled on my earlobe, playing with my earring with his tongue.

Surprised by this move I let out a gasp.

"You like this, baby?", he stopped but soon started with the nibbling again.

A moan was the only thing, I could get out.
My knees got wobbly and I slid down the wall behind me.
Unintentionally, grabbing Jungkook's waist in order to keep me up on my legs and also pressing him near my hips.

"So needy?", he chuckled and went further by pressing his chest against mine.

"Everybody should know that you're mine now."

"Wha-", without any hesitation he started sucking my neck, slightly biting it, causing me pain and some sort of lust?

I seemed to enjoy it, but why? I didn't want to make out with a boy and certainly not with one of my best friends, yet I was permitting it.
I was enjoying it.

Jungkook's moans didn't make it easier for me to clear my mind either. His lips were slowly moving down my chest area.
With one go he managed to get my shirt undressed by putting his hands under it.
He positioned his hands back at my neck again.

I couldn't resist but moan, it was way too intense.

"I think that'll do for now, baby. I hope you'll listen to me next time. So you better stay a good boy, okay?", he looked at his 'masterpiece'.
That Aura that he gives off is just so dominating. I can't bring myself to not listen to him.

"I asked you something, baby.", he repeated with a strong voice.

"Yes, da-, uhm Jungkook. I'll stay a good boy.", what was that. That almost slipped out of my mouth.

"Good. You better go now, I have some stuff to do. And besides, I don't mind you calling me Daddy, baby.", he smirked at me.

My checks got all red, I put on my shirt and went.

"Bye.", I simply said while walking out the door.

After I stepped out of the door, I realized what just happened.
Jungkook nibbled my earlobe and marked me.
He made me his, he called me baby and I have to call him daddy now.

And he did that even though I'm hetero.

//Or am I??//

I grabbed my earlobe as I was heading to college to grab my car, almost forgetting it there.
My body was literally steaming from that mess before.

I never thought Jungkook could be capable of doing something like that.

As soon as I got home I washed my face with cold water and just got in the shower while I was at it.
After that I just wanted to study for a bit and then go to sleep.

I sat down on my chair, slid it in his original position, grabbed my backpack from the ground, or I tried to. I looked at the place where it usually was. I turned my head around to see where it was, rolling around with the chair from side to side.

But I couldn't deny the thought of it being at Jungkook's place anymore.
I just didn't want to go there again after that, I would feel way to uncomfortable. I sighed and grabbed my car keys.

I wanted to get that done as soon as possible, so I just kept my sweatpants and t shirt on.

//here we go again//

I thought as I started the car.

>>time skip

I knocked at the old wooden door and waited impatiently, since I just wanted to get home again.

"Who's there?!", someone from inside screamed in a sloppy voice.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, Jungkook's friend.", I explained.

He laughed.

"Jungkook's friend?! He doesn't have any and now just go away!", he demanded.

//why does everything has to be so difficult//

"Please, let me in. I forgot my bag here", I knocked again.

Just when I was about go, the door slammed open, showing a grown up man, probably in his fifty's.
His hand was wrapped around a shattered glass bottle.


This man was definitely drunk, like why would a robber knock on the door??

"Please, sir, I'm not a robber, get your son he'll approve that I'm his friend.", I defended myself.

"AND NOW YOU'RE BOSSING ME AROUND, HUH?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!!!! GO AWAY, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN!", he threw the empty bottle right in front of my feet, making me jump and driving off.

That sound of the shattering glass was still ringing through my ears making me shiver again and again. The fact that Jungkook had a father like this just broke my heart, how can someone so sweet (mostly sweet) have a father like that?

Dumbfounded, I stood in my bathroom washing my face with cold water. Literally everything was in my bag, my phone, my laptop, notebooks everything. Even my camera.

I'll just hope that Jungkook noticed my bag there and bring it to me tomorrow.

Jimin POV

I'm finally heading home after 6 hours of endless lectures. I wonder how Yoongi's doing..
Hope he isn't bored of anything, but I'll be there soon.

Just some turns here and there, waiting for a couple of seconds in front of the red light, driving over the bridge and there I am!

I opened my door and greeted Yoongi, without any response.

"Yoongi?", I asked after him.

No answer. I went to the living room, but he wasn't there either. I got confused and kinda sad.

//did he really leave?//

I felt sad about it, but there wasn't anything I could do. I couldn't just go out and search for him.

//but he couldn't possibly be trying to get himself killed again, or could he??//

I gulped and freaked out, not knowing what to do.

//I shouldn't have let the keys here, I'm so dumb, but I couldn't just lock him in//

I shook my head with both of my hands holding onto my ears, causing to crash down on the ground. I started to feel sick, and the room was spinning again. I crawled towards the bathroom and threw everything up, I huffed over the toilet, feeling how tears started to build up in my eyes. I got a burning feeling in my throat, causing me even more pain.

The voices in my head telling me how it was all my fault, didn't make it easier for me to calm down.


Well, I don't have any idea how to end this chapter, so here's an awkward cut!
Anyways, hope you liked the chapter either way.
Have a good day/night!

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