Confused | 11

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I got a seat next to an old woman in the bus. The bus was really crowded, no wonder since it was 6 pm and most people are done with their shift by then.
It always gets on my nerves when I see so many people stuck in one place.
Like just m o v e, I need some personal space and room to even smell my thoughts.

The road was probably rocky since it kept shaking, making many people loose their balance already if they didn't hold on something tightly. I didn't really mind as long as they won't bother m-

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to step onto your foot.", there we go. A quite tall guy with green-brownish hair apologized to me.

I just rolled my eyes in annoyance and kept looking on my phone screen.

"You shouldn't be so rude young man.", the old woman next to me scolded me.

"It's okay ma'am", the tall guy defended me.

The elder just shook her head and continued looking out of the window.
For the next couple of minutes it got quiet between us until my stop came.

"Sorry, I have to go out.", I told that giant who was standing in my way.

"It's also my stop anyways.", he grinned at me, showing off his dimples.

I, again, just rolled my eyes. I hope I'll never have to meet him again. There's something I don't like about him. He kinda reminds me of my dad before he became that miserable alcoholic. I hate it. I hate him.

I rushed out of the bus and headed to Taehyung's place.

//why do I feel like I forgot something?-//

And then it hit me, I just left the bag in the bus, how am I supposed to explain Taehyung this???

//He's gonna hate me! //

Without thinking twice I ran back in hope to catch the bus, but sadly he already drove off and is nowhere to be seen.

"I hate myself.", I mumbled and formed a fist.

"Don't say that.", a familiar voice rang through my ears.

"What?", I looked up to the giant dork.

"Wait- where you following me??", I quickly added, not even giving him a chance to answer the first question.

"Yes and no. I followed you because you forgot that in the bus, but to my surprise you're also heading in the same direction as I have to.", he calmly explained.

I raised an eyebrow and grabbed Tae's bag from his hand and quickly checked if any things are missing.

"Don't worry, I didn't take anything out of it."

I rolled my eyes and went on heading to Tae.

"Not even a simple 'thank you?'", he asked, stopping my steps.

"Thanks", I mumbled and he nodded his head.

"FOR WASTING MY TIME!", I quickly added and ran away, leaving him dumbfounded.

I finally got rid of that giant and also reached Tae's apartment. I excitedly knocked on the door, waiting patiently for my best friend to open it.

"Hey!", the first thing that came out as soon as the door opened.

"Oh? Hey! Jungkook", I could literally grab the awkwardness he was giving off.


"Well, um, I have your-your things here!", I handed him his bag.

"Ah, yeah, right, thanks Jungkook.", he looked down to his bag, having a sad expression in his face.

"You alright?", I tried to comfort him by patting his back, but he dodge it by turning a little bit.

"I'll- I'll just need some time for myself..", he slightly smiled.

"And thanks again Jungkook. See you tomorrow.", he slowly closed the door.

But before the wood could separate us, I managed to get out, "I'm sorry for earlier, Tae.".

//why's he calling me Jungkook again? Why isn't he calling me Kookie anymore??//

With my head tilted down I walked away shamelessly, thinking of why I did that earlier. Why did I have to be so needy??

I stopped by the sight of a pair of some familiar shoes.

//plz don't tell me it's him//

I looked up and- surprise, surprise- it was the giant dork.

"Why do you keep following me???", I asked, actually not expecting an answer.

"To my defense, I didn't know that you were here. I was just visiting a friend.", he defended himself.

"Whatev- Wait you mean Tae?", I quickly figured out since Tae's apartment was on the way back if the hall, making him having only one neighbor.

"Oh, you know him?", he surprised said.

"Yeah, he's my best friend.", I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Anyway, I'll head off now, was nice talking to you. And btw I'm Namjoon, I have the feeling that we'll meet each other again.", he smiled and knocked on the door.

I just head off, I mean he doesn't have to know my name, does he?

>>time skip

"You still not saying a word, huh?!", I slapped her in the face.

"So surprised by the fact that your little TaeTae likes boys?"

She remained silent.

"Aish, you're no fun to be with. Maybe I can break you after a few more days.", I grinned.

"Bye bye, bugaboo.", I winked and left the room.

I closed the door and headed to my room.
When a stinging smell disturbed me, I went to the living room, just to see my roaring drunk father sleeping in the couch under empty bottles of alcohol.

Disgusted by the sight of those drugs I immediately grabbed a bucket and filled it in with the empty bottles and threw them away.

"If only I could remove those nasty memories and you as easy as those bottles", I mumbled under my breath.

I got back into my room and played video games. I put on my headphones and asked in our discord groupchat if anyone was on to play. And of course there were some.

We played a couple of rounds of Overwatch before I headed back to sleep. Just to wake up again and watch videos on YouTube on my phone until 4 am.


I actually didn't mean to update this late but like idk why but I just couldn't get myself to write it. I somewhat knew what I wanted to put in this chapter but didn't know how to write that down y'all get me?
Like I had to write this 3 times!!! I had 2 more versions of this chapter but I just didn't like how it was written, still don't kinda but I just want to update now.
I feel like every chapter that I'm rewriting is like way shorter that it should have been.
Anyway, hope you liked it anyways.
Have a good day/night!

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