At the hospital (the éÑd) | 14

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"a lot of things has happened since the start of spring, right Yoongi?", I was sitting in the hospital right next to Yoongi, who sadly still is unconscious.

"This all started when i met Taehyung.
I was running out of college to catch my bus, but on my way out i bumped into Taehyung so one thing lead to another and we got to be good friends now.", I took a short break to reflect on what happened again.

"And i cant describe how happy I am to have Taehyung! Without him i wouldn't have met you, funny right? Me and Taehyung went to that bridge to talk a bit. I believe it was about my- my illness.", I clenched my fist and looked down biting into my lower lip, thinking about the disease I had.

I took deep breaths before I continued.

"Anyway, because we went to that bridge to talk I got to see you there. Well, our first encounter wasn't that normal right? Saving you from an s*icide attempt I mean. If i didn't save you there would you be,, you know,, dead now..? Probably right? There was no one else there. But i'm glad I did see you there otherwise we wouldn't be living together now!", I looked up to Yoongi with sparkles in my eyes.

"Also please wake up ASAP, i wanna dye my hair with you! What color did you choose again? Was it mint green? Ah no, we both chose blond I think, you know, to match haha. And let's not forget that I want to introduce you to my friends! Or maybe only to Taehyung... Tbh i don't know why but Jungkook is giving me a weird feeling. I don't trust him. I had a nightmare vision of him k*lling everyone once, everyone except Taehyung for some reason.", I got chills thinking about that again.

"But in actuality he doesn't seem that bad? Ah, I don't know it's weird. I barely even know anything about him. He goes to the same college as us and he's two years younger me.




~The end~

no i'm not kidding.
sorry lmao.
but ig you could say i got bored of the story? i mean yes the storyline do be kinda good tho???? but idk it's the shipping for me,,
you see, after interacting with a lot of toxic shippers I always had to think of this story and my side ships. bts are real people with feelings and getting shipped isn't the best thing in my opinion.
yes sure they won't gonna read this story (for obvious reasons) but i'd still feel embarrassed thinking they would.
the way i portrayed them in the first place wasn't the best either ngl. i more less used them for the sake of the storyline, just to imagine things better yk.
i like writing honestly maybe i'll keep going but with just original characters?

also lmk if you actually enjoyed the story and if you want to know how it should have ended lmaoo.

see y'all maybe?


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