love | 13

16 2 1

"I'm- I'm not cry-crying.", he quickly wiped off his tears.

"Let's get outta here first.", I suggested and we left the shop, I make sure that Jimin wasn't making any eye contact with that cashier.

"Let's go home.", I tightly wrapped my arm over his shoulder.


"What? Where do you want to go then?", I was really confused by his answer, first because I didn't expect one and second cause I would have imagined him just dragging me home to watch a movie with him while we cuddled.

"The place whe- where we fi-first met.", he sniffled.

"The place we first met.."

"WE DID IT!", his voice was filled with joy and excitedly hugged me.

I was quite surprised by that act, he seemed so happy. I felt happy.

"Ugh, erm, s-sorry", he apologized and let his arms down.

"I got a little too hap-", I cut him off by hugging him back, it felt relieving, it felt right.

"Yes we did.", he feels so soft and warm.

I looked back at that memory.

"Let's go then.", we headed to the bridge.

>>time skip

"Down here.", Jimin pointed at a stony pair for stairs.

I hummed and we sat down on the cold floor, the only warmth coming from our bodies. He was lying in between my legs, leaning on my chest, my arms wrapped around him.

"So tell me, what's wrong?", I started as soon as we got more comfortable.

He looked at the sun's shiny reflection in the river. The river beautifully reflected it's warmth yet the soft spring breezes gave the atmosphere some freshness to it.

It was magnificent.

"Back then..", Jimin finally spoke.

"Back then someone was bullying me.", he got bullied? Why would someone bully an angel like him?

I just listened carefully, wanting him to tell me everything first.

"Everyday was like walking in a volcano, I didn't know when it would happen and when it happened it was painful. It even worsened my condition, I couldn't properly breath or think. Sometimes he would even choke me, he didn't have mercy all he did was laughing, he enjoyed seeing me in pain. I couldn't even fight back or tell anyone, I was too scared, I was too weak. I had visions of him beating me up, drowning me, ripping me up.", he took a short pause.

"But those visions weren't that far away from what actually happened. He would throw rocks at me or my books. It often was just him but sometimes he would bring his friends.

//was it Hoseok?//

"Do you remember who that bully was?", I carefully asked.

"Yes, I just remembered him. It was- it was..", he broke into tears.

"Shhh, I'm here.", I tried to hug him even tighter but he backed away.


"Please, stop.", he covered his mouth and didn't even try to look into my eyes.


"That bully, it was you Yoongi! You and Hoseok made me feel like I was useless, you told my I shouldn't be living, that I don't deserve anything!", he yelled at me yet so many tears flowed down his cheeks.

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