scared | 10

13 3 2

Barely conscious, I managed to pull myself up the sink and cleared my mind with cold water.
The water splashed on to my pale skin and float down the sink, taking my bad thoughts with them.

My reflection wasn't anywhere near good, my skin was really pale, almost white, my eyes red by all the tears that I just lost. And for my bad, my nightmare visions are still there, the mirror looked shattered, especially there where my mouth should be. Instead of my mouth you could see the wood behind the mirror.
As horrible as it might sound, I already got used to all that.

I dried my face with a towel, went to the kitchen and got my medicine.
I plumped on to a chair and went through my hair with my hands.

Until I heard a click sound coming from my door.

"Yoongi?", I bring out softly without even thinking.

"Yeah, I'm back.", he greeted, closing the door.

I slowly stepped forward, every step feeling like I'm walking on shattered glass.

"Everything alright?", he looked at my sight worryingly.

I hummed, trying to smile at him.

"Don't lie to me, you're literally looking dead like a ghost.", he crossed his arms.

"Let's go to the living room, rest a little", he gestured to my sofa, walked pass me, grabbed a blanket and threw it over my shoulders, also grabbing my shoulder as a support so that I wouldn't fall.

I thought he would let go of me once we sat down but he instead placed me between his spread legs and hugging me from behind, even placing his chin on my head.

"Why are you doing this?", I turned around.

"Doing what?", he asked back like it was nothing special.

"Hugging me, comforting me...", I listed.

"I just feel the need to. You're just, how do I put it? Such a innocent pink fluff ball, so bubbly yet so fragile.. if you get what I mean.", he tried to form a ball with his hands.

"So to you I'm a pink fluff ball?", I chuckled at imagining me being a fluff ball.

"Basically.", he scratched his neck.

"And what am I to you?", he asked breaking the silence.

"Hmm, a Black rose.", I looked in the distance.

"Okay, you need to explain that to me."

"So, imagine a wide field of bright red roses. But a little further there's a deeply black colored one. Why's it black? Did someone paint it like that or did it happen naturally, people asked themself who passed by. It's so simple yet so mysterious, many are trying to avoid it, while others try to find out why it is like that.
But in the end they'll just get stung by it's thorns."

"You're telling me that I'm hurting everyone??"

"Let me finish my story!", I pouted.

"Okay, okay."

"As I said, everyone got stung by it except for the people who handled it with care, they didn't wanted to tear it off ground, they gave it water to live instead. You get what I mean now?", I explained further.

He nodded and caressed my hair.

"By the way, where were you earlier? I almost died here and you weren't even here.", I broke the silence and exaggerated a bit.

"I just went out for a walk and what do you mean by almost dying?", he questioned back.

I remained silent and started playing with my fingers, nervously searching for a topic to change.

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