Doubts | 8

10 3 2

Jimin POV

I changed into a black t-shirt and black jeans with a cargo shirt on top.

//does this look good? Or should I change into something else?//

I peeked at the clock and realized that there wasn't any time left to change into different clothes.

"Bye Yoongi! If you're hungry then just eat something from the kitchen!", I screamed while getting my keys and stuff.

"Bye!", I heard him as I closed the door.

//should I lock it? Or should I give him the keys?//

I just left my keys with him and then left, luckily my car keys aren't attached to my house keys, actually just because I'm too lazy to do so.

It's already 10 am and I'm sitting in my car heading to art school.

((In case you didn't notice yet, they are going to art school))

I thought of hanging out with Taehyung again, but then thought that it would be better if I don't, since I want to get closer to Yoongi.
The things that I know by now are:
- he has depression
- Wanted or still wants to die
- Doesn't have a home
- Maybe not even a job
- Is actually really kind
- Has a hot deep raspy voice
- A cute lil nose
- Beautiful triangle shaped deep black eyes...

//Wait, what am I talking about? Am I... no way.  I can't have a crush on him, right???//

I gulped, I don't even know him!
I parked in my car and head in to class, trying to focus but that guy just wouldn't get out of my mind.

Taehyung POV

-at the park-

//where is she?//

I'm at the exact same point as usual and even on the same time as usual but she isn't there.
Hoping that her classes just start later or started earlier I head back to my car. As I put in my keys, someone texted me.
It was Jungkook.

"Hey! You wanna hang out later? When are you free?"

- sure! I'm free at three

"Loool, that rhymed

-sooo, let's meet at the gates then?

"Yep! See you at three"


I haven't seen Jungkook for a while now, maybe for about 2/3 days?
Anyways, I started the car and drove to college.

A few turns here and there and I'm at college.
I went trough these big metal gates and opened the , slightly dirty, glass doors.

After sitting down in my classroom we started the day with a simple vocal warm up.
I actually wonder where Jungkook is, he should be in this class too.

//Maybe he's skipping?//

"Okay class, I want you to make a group of two persons, I want you to write a song and sing it for us.", the teacher ordered.

Everyone started looking around for someone to team up with, most of them just took the nearest person, since we didn't really know each other.

I didn't know if I should actually partner up with Jungkook, since he isn't here, I mean like I would have to work on this project on my own then for the next 2 hours.

My thoughts got interrupted by a voice.

"Hey, do you want to partner up with me?", a red haired boy asked me.

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