Movie night |4

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"What Movie do you want to see?", I asked them while opening the door to my apartment.

Jungkook POV

I didn't hesitate and almost screamed,

"I thought of Hangover or something, it's a classic!", Jimin, I think, suggested.

((Idk if he likes it I just picked a random movie 😭😭))

"I- I thought of Frozen 2", Taehyung said embarrassed.

Jimin and I looked at each other, mentally agreeing that we weren't gonna watch Frozen 2.
"Iron Man or Hangover", we both said crossing our arms.

"Ugh, fine, Iron Man.", he groaned.

"HA, I WON!", I laughed at Jimin who just looked at me weird and rolled his eyes. I peeked at Taehyung who was smiling.

We went to his living room, which was down the hall to the right. It was simply decorated. The floor was a warm dark brown and his walls clear white, which build a nice contrast. On the wall are several pictures, you could see him in some of them, I guess he took them. He mentioned that his major was Photography.

"You guys okay with pizza? Or would you rather eat fried chicken?", Taehyung asked us.

"I'm fine with both.", I answered.

"I'd pick something healthier though..", Jimin raised his hand.

I looked at Tae who just smiled.

"Yeahh, we ain't doing that today. But we could order something different for you.", he suggested.

//he's so caring//

"No, I don't want to bother you guys, just order me a small package of chicken and we'll be fine.", he slightly smiled.

"Okay", Taehyung nodded and ordered 2 buckets of fried chicken and one small package for Jimin.

He turned on the TV and searched for the movie online.

"You don't have Netflix?", Jimin asked.

"Nah, we'll just watch it illegal.", he laughed.

"Tz.", Jimin shook his head.

"I got it", Tae said while clicking on it.

"AHHHH, MY VIRGIN EYES!!", Jimin screamed next, covering his and my eyes.

"TAEHYUNGG!!!", he screamed again.

"What is it?", I asked.

"NOTHING!", they both shouted.

"Come on tell me!!", I demanded and pushed down Jimin's Hand which covered my sight.

"Oh-", I quickly realized that on the screen was a half naked woman.


"YEAH, YEAH I KNOW!", they both started a fight.


"I'M TRYING MY BEST, BUT I THINK MY TV FROZE!", Taehyung explained.

"AH COME ON!", Jimin shouted.

While they fought, I just covered my eyes and silently laughed at them both. It was too funny hearing them fight. I mean, when they are joking.

//I'm happy to have those guys as my friends now//

"Is it still there?", I asked them.

"YES!", they both screamed.

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