The bridge | 6

12 3 1

>>time skip - Now

Taehyung POV

I'm sitting at home, still surprised by how smooth everything went.
I'm texting Namjoon at the moment.

-I met her again today
-And it went by sooo smoothly

"Really? Tell me"

-okay so first I bought her a drink


-yeah, yeah ik
-Okay, so as I was saying I tried to give it to her, but then I accidentally called her "Biker girl"


-So she just laughed (luckily) and called me "Stop sign"

"Ohhh, so you already have nicknames ;))"
"That's going really fast with you two."

-thanks, I guess

"Anything Else that happened?"

-Nah, not really, OH WAIT
- It's Shin-Ae
- And she knows my name of course

"Oh, wow, that is getting fast with you guys."
"Oops, sorry I gotta go now!"

-it's alright, see ya.

I close my phone and packed my things, since it was time for college.
It's 12:52 am rn, and I need 6 minutes to college, so I hurried up and packed my things.

-at college-

"Alright class, buckle up! We're going to start now!", the teacher announced.

//I want to talk to Shin-Ae again..//

I don't know why, but today the lecture was feeling way more boring than it actually is.
And I'll still have 6 hours to kill.

Jimin and I then planned on going around the city. We wanted to invite Jungkook but he said he has to do something.
I thought we could first go to my beloved Starbucks, grab a drink and then just walk around the city and have fun.

I'm really looking forward to this but I first have to survive these 6 hours, I'll try my best to pay attention.

>>time skip

"Hey, Jimin! Ready to hit the road?"


"So where do you want to go first?", he asked me.

"I thought of Starbucks! Just chilling around there and then hitting the streets of Seoul!", I suggested.

"Sounds good."

It was just a block away, so we got there pretty fast.
We ordered our drinks and sat down.
We chatted for an hour or something and then got out.

"So where do you wanna go next?", I asked him.

"Hmm, how about my favorite place here in the city", he slightly smiled.


After a few minutes of walking I asked him,
"And where is this place?"

"Under a bridge, you'll love the sight there!", he told me.

"You going there often?", I asked next.

"Only when I'm feeling down or need to get myself together yk.", he explained.

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